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@Paul_Warren: Wow, are we living in the same world here?

We seem to be only talking about the HD consoles, so let's take that into account - worldwide, out of all the top 20 best selling HD games, guess how many are Japanese? One. Only MGS4 makes the list - you wouldn't say that's pretty damn alarming? The top 20 best selling on the 360 are all western, while the top 20 best selling on the PS3 have 5 Japanese games on the list (MGS4, GT5:P, PES, DMC4, SC4).

You also talk about the PS3 gaining ground on the 360. The best part about this is it has nothing to do with Japanese games. Look at what everyone is looking forward on the HD consoles in the upcoming months - Resistance 2, LBP, Fable 2, Gears of War 2, Killzone 2, Banjo, Motorstorm 2... the games that will push consoles are all western. The Japanese do not have much of a presence compared to the west on HD consoles.

Now, throw Nintendo into the mix, and the scene changes. Kojima likely wasn't including them, though, otherwise his complaint doesn't make any sense.