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Forums - Sony Discussion - Xbox 360 head wrong - Blu-ray doing just fine!!!!

LOL. Just goes to show that MS can't be trusted they are full of lies and spin. Good to see the quick response from the retailers on his comments on Bluray becomeing the next UMD.

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Whilst I can understand not wanting to play up an advantage of your competitor, I don't like the way that Aaron Greenberg had a dig at Sony by saying it could be the next UMD. Microsoft may have no choice but to court the members of the Blu-ray Disc Association for the inclusion of a device in their next console, so they need to be careful about how they downplay the blu-ray advantages now.

I hope that blu-ray does become the de-facto standard for film and game media. The limitations of DVD in terms of storage capacity are becoming obvious in this generation. As a first generation device, the blu-ray in the PS3 doesn't fully exploit the advantages that it has over DVD; it may be able to store much more data but read speeds are only comparable. By the time the next generation of machines come out, blu-ray may well be the only realistic option.

Why digital downloads won't take over for a long long time.
1. Go out and buy a computer with 2TB harddrives to put all those HD movies on.

2. Have to wire your computer to your home theatre or buy wireless device to transmit.

3. Spend 20 hours downloading your movie(if you have broadband on a good day).

4. I'm assuming there will be some kind of copyright protection so you can't lend your collection to friends unless you gladly let them use your computer for a bit. Or you buy a external HD which you lend out, but that screws you out of your own collection for a bit.


Just walk down the street a buy a BD movie.

PSN: EDguila

PS3 library:  Motorstorm, Assasin's Creed, Orange Box, Uncharted:DF, Metal Gear Solid 4, Resistance:FOM, Rachet & Clank Future:ToD,

Near future: Folklore, SOCOM Confrontation, BioShock, Little Big Planet, Resistance 2.

owned!!!!!!!! lol

EdGuila said:
Why digital downloads won't take over for a long long time.
1. Go out and buy a computer with 2TB harddrives to put all those HD movies on.

2. Have to wire your computer to your home theatre or buy wireless device to transmit.

3. Spend 20 hours downloading your movie(if you have broadband on a good day).

4. I'm assuming there will be some kind of copyright protection so you can't lend your collection to friends unless you gladly let them use your computer for a bit. Or you buy a external HD which you lend out, but that screws you out of your own collection for a bit.


Just walk down the street a buy a BD movie.

That pretty much sums it up. Especially the storage deal.


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No one knows what Blu-ray will be. It’s pretty clear it is not the next DVD, right? The days of one physical format being the standard are gone… Let’s say right now we’re not sure if it’s the next UMD or the next DVD.” one from MS should even talk about optical media formats, or the replacement of physical media (insert all the other bullshit that everyone has already heard here).

They were supporting HD DVD less than a year ago.

STFU fucked up...get over it.

For the record, UMD started stronger than DVD did as well.

The really funny part for me though is the articles claim that the US is switching to HD at some point in 2009. Digital broadcast != HD broadcast. While inevitably the higher resolutions will become standard for TVs, and TV shows (as there is little point in not doing it) that day is still probably a long way off.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

i think the Blu-ray is the best format for now ... i dont know why he said that about the blue-ray.

I dont think blue ray is doing better than DVD did as DVD was backed by 2 MAJOR Gaming console.

Garnett said:
I dont think blue ray is doing better than DVD did as DVD was backed by 2 MAJOR Gaming console.

 DVD had been around for a few years before the PS2 was released. The current rate of adoption is much higher for blu-ray, but that is mostly because it was so pathetic for DVD in the early days.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229