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Forums - Sony Discussion - Would Sony ever team up with M$??

In extreme cases like EA making a superpowerful HD console with tons of exclusive games, and Nintendo dominating the casual side of the market, would Sony and M$ team up to save the day??? Who would win... Sony and M$, EA, or Nintendo????

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The better question in my opinion is, would Microsoft ever agree to team up with Sony?

Nope never Sony would rather go broke than work with M$

vgchartz would be broke with no fanboys to fight

If EA had their own console and kept all games exclusive, this would hurt MS more than Sony.

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WhiteDevil said:
Nope never M$ would rather go broke than work with Sony



I love Sony way more than M$, but if they teamed together they could make 1 hell of a console. All the great games on 1 system. You could have Home with XBL incorporated into it. The possobilities are endless.

Sony laptops/computers use Vista

matt247 said:
Sony laptops/computers use Vista



GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

exactly, after a few tough meetings and vital agreements, its very possible. EA wouldn't stand a chance, and 2 be honest... i really do believe EA will make a console for Nxt Gen