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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Infinite Undiscovery bombs? $39.99 MRSP now in USA

I've been playing it and I really like it

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I had no problem with lag or frezzing whatsoever when I played it

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints

Naum said:
I had no problem with lag or frezzing whatsoever when I played it

yup same here and i'm on my 3rd play through on infinity mode


Cactus said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Just tryed this game at my local wal-mart... my god my reasons for getting a 360 just went down somewhat.

IU Lags like hell, constant freeze'n, side quests are boring,Graphics not nearly as good as i expected it to be (Check Star Ocean till the end of time and VP2:Silmeria they were epic for the time) and lastly the battle system is garbage.

All in my personal opinion of course, but now i think ima wait for Star Ocean 4 instead of this lack-luster of an rpg. truth be told im a bit worried about SO4 now because of IU...

How long did Wal-Mart let you play this game for???


lol i was gonna ask how long did you play this game for in walmart?, yeah i know UI is short compared with other RPGS but u cannot get the full picture of the game in 1 sitting of walmart, unless u spent a good 4-5 hours at least.

Lost Odyssey is more of a reason to own a 360. Its a great RPG i love reading the dreams, very emotional and the background music makes them...


Owner of PS3, Wii, Xbox360, NDS, PSP - Feel Free to add me on PSN or XBL :)

there arent many rpg fans on xbox, but ironically they are the ones getting all of them. so thats why it didnt sell well.





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deathgod33 said:
there arent many rpg fans on xbox, but ironically they are the ones getting all of them.
so thats why it didnt sell well.

What about those 750K+ people that bought LO?


To be honest I wouldn't really call IU a RPG... more like a Action RPG... even more so than Star Ocean or a Tales game.

Cueil said:
To be honest I wouldn't really call IU a RPG... more like a Action RPG... even more so than Star Ocean or a Tales game.

IU is and action RPG but it is still an RPG


Riachu said:
Cueil said:
To be honest I wouldn't really call IU a RPG... more like a Action RPG... even more so than Star Ocean or a Tales game.

IU is and action RPG but it is still an RPG


Just labeling it a "RPG" doesn't tell the ininformed enough... many probably assume the game is turned based... or that it has fights like Star Ocean when in fact it shares more in common with PSO when it comes to combat.

Cueil said:
Riachu said:
Cueil said:
To be honest I wouldn't really call IU a RPG... more like a Action RPG... even more so than Star Ocean or a Tales game.

IU is and action RPG but it is still an RPG


Just labeling it a "RPG" doesn't tell the ininformed enough... many probably assume the game is turned based... or that it has fights like Star Ocean when in fact it shares more in common with PSO when it comes to combat.

Would have fights like SO be a turn off for people?