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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Infinite Undiscovery bombs? $39.99 MRSP now in USA

DMeisterJ said:



Don't just put your name on anythig SE.

Serves MS right for buying games for no reason.


Will you say the same if WKC tanks?

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I personaly really liked Inf Undiscovery. Had alot of deapth and tons of creatable items to mess with. I made it all the way to the end of the game, just to find out it had at least 10+ hours more of gameplay WOOT. The story was good, the graphics where decent, and the action was well done. I cant see how it got poor reviews.

O that explains it a bunch of no name reviewers gave it low scores, everyone else seemed to have some fun with it.

"Leap ignorantly to the defense of wealthy game company’s, who don't know or care about you!"

Now free shipping, mostly no tax (In NY and a few other states I believe) with free "gift" on purchase for $39.99 on Amazon.

It's just that simple.

i hope this helps sales improve, i thought the game was good. tales of vesperia was a great rpg game. i think this price will help move enough copies to make a profit.





So how much were the developers aiming to sell? Since people said it bomed, I'm guessing the sales didn't meet their expectations


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darkhaven63 said:

So how much were the developers aiming to sell? Since people said it bomed, I'm guessing the sales didn't meet their expectations

They only thought the game bombed because the game didn't sell well despite getting a decent marketing campaign in the Japan and the US.  It did well for a 360 game in Japan though.  I don't think Tri-Ace were expecting big sales from this game.  From my understanding, the game didn't get that much hype outside of Japan.  Now SO:TLH will probably need to sell like a million copies or something since the budget for that game seems to be higher than IU's budget.


Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Just tryed this game at my local wal-mart... my god my reasons for getting a 360 just went down somewhat.

IU Lags like hell, constant freeze'n, side quests are boring,Graphics not nearly as good as i expected it to be (Check Star Ocean till the end of time and VP2:Silmeria they were epic for the time) and lastly the battle system is garbage.

All in my personal opinion of course, but now i think ima wait for Star Ocean 4 instead of this lack-luster of an rpg. truth be told im a bit worried about SO4 now because of IU...

How long did Wal-Mart let you play this game for???


still microsoft has 2 more great shots at popularizing rpgs on the 360
last remnant and ff 13
im pretty sure ff13 will do great but lets wait and see what happens with last rem

hatmoza 2.0 said:
still microsoft has 2 more great shots at popularizing rpgs on the 360
last remnant and ff 13
im pretty sure ff13 will do great but lets wait and see what happens with last rem

Uh...ever heard of Star Ocean The Last Hope?


hatmoza 2.0 said:
still microsoft has 2 more great shots at popularizing rpgs on the 360
last remnant and ff 13
im pretty sure ff13 will do great but lets wait and see what happens with last rem


I think last remnant do well because MS bundled the game and It's coming out first on the 360 and I've heard that it has been hyped up quite a bit.