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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Infinite Undiscovery bombs? $39.99 MRSP now in USA


So the release dates for both aren't that close. So that shouldn't be a excuse at all if one of those JRPG's bomb. Grrr, surprisingly Microsoft has done right getting JRPG's but they have proven some are not that all spectacular.


They aired a IU commercial here in the states also. It was like a 10 sec clip, I liked it.

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DMeisterJ said:
ecurbj said:
Riachu said:
ecurbj said:
hehe...I didn't expect this game to sell anything because it released around the time Tales of Vesperia was coming out the window. There was so much hype around this game, where IU didn't and couldn't get as much hype as it wanted. Reviewers had to review 2 top JRPG's in a row and Tales of Vesperia made it out of the ship with positive reviews and sales, where as IU suffered.

I haven't read anything about this game, so I will go look at the IGN review and see what they said. If anything $40 new isn't that bad for this game but I'm not surprised they dropped the price.


Hopefully, this won't happen to TLR and SO:TLH.

Are their release dates close to each other?

I hope that doesn't happen, because both games look good on their own merits.

The Last Remnant comes out in Japan in Nov, then SO 4 in feb

TLR doesn't have an American release date, but SO4 is coming to America March 3, 2009.

I don't think they'll release them close, as they're both from SE (ish).


TLR are getting a simlanteous release in Japan, NA, and Europe.

I'm not sure about TLR but I know that SO:TLH could see good sales since the game is coming off the success of SO3


It's €39.99 in Europe now, the same price as Too Human.

I'm not sure if that means it bombed, but I think retailers were expecting bigger sales. I mean most places I visited had dozens of copies on shelfs at launch. (Which is quite a large amount).


@ Riachu

Oh cool, didn't know that.

Dallinor said:
It's €39.99 in Europe now, the same price as Too Human.

I'm not sure if that means it bombed, but I think retailers were expecting bigger sales. I mean most places I visited had dozens of copies on shelfs at launch. (Which is quite a large amount).

Why the hell did retailers order that many copies of the game?  I'm expecting that same of amount of copies ordered when TLR and SO:TLH come out


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I read the review over at IGN. This game isn't bad they just said some things are misguided and the game is short.
Being misguided was that you have a total of 18 characters and you don't even have no connection with them whatsoever, you wouldn't even know if they are your friends or not because the story doesn't even incorprate them into the mix. The combat system is good and addicting and they said the A.I. does it part when fighting monsters.

Overall the game is decent and worth at least a rental IGN said. I would give it a go, I'm not that to intense with RPG's but IU is okay in my book. But I will wait for it to hit $20.

You know I kind of thing this indicative of the user base of the system. I don't think a lot of JRPG fans didn't really initially pick up a X360 because they thought it would be Sony leading charge in that arena. Vice verse for shooters fans on the PS3.

Strange times these console wars are.

I'm just saying...

Interesting. Maybe I'll have to pick it up since there's been a price drop.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

kowenicki said:
anyone who has played help me out...

i cant defeat the boss on the beach near the start of disc 2.. any hints and tips???


hmm are you attacking the orb?? after you attack him for a while the orb looses its shield and you start attacking it instead of him, it will go up again then you just start over with him again..

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints

Just tryed this game at my local wal-mart... my god my reasons for getting a 360 just went down somewhat.

IU Lags like hell, constant freeze'n, side quests are boring,Graphics not nearly as good as i expected it to be (Check Star Ocean till the end of time and VP2:Silmeria they were epic for the time) and lastly the battle system is garbage.

All in my personal opinion of course, but now i think ima wait for Star Ocean 4 instead of this lack-luster of an rpg. truth be told im a bit worried about SO4 now because of IU...