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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Infinite Undiscovery bombs? $39.99 MRSP now in USA

the IU, already sold > 250K worldwide, this is good sales number

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Dolla Dolla said:
One place sells it for 39.99 and it is considered a bomb. Nice.

Why don't you wait for NPD data, it arrives on Thursday. Then you can say it bombed all you want. For now, it's just speculation.

I wasa looking at VGC numbers too.  It only sold 250k units, and dropping at a steady clip.  400k seems like the max for lifetime, which is a terrific bomb.

Dolla Dolla said:
One place sells it for 39.99 and it is considered a bomb. Nice.

Why don't you wait for NPD data, it arrives on Thursday. Then you can say it bombed all you want. For now, it's just speculation.

Gamestop is selling it for $40 on their website.  Definately shop around if you are interested in this title.


Thanks for the input, Jeff.



MrBubbles said:
i never saw any marketing for this game

According to you profile, you don't live in the US so that is why you didn't see marketing for IU.  In the US, there were TV commercials for IU.


I think the reason why it bombed was because of the mixed bag graphics.


hehe...I didn't expect this game to sell anything because it released around the time Tales of Vesperia was coming out the window. There was so much hype around this game, where IU didn't and couldn't get as much hype as it wanted. Reviewers had to review 2 top JRPG's in a row and Tales of Vesperia made it out of the ship with positive reviews and sales, where as IU suffered.

I haven't read anything about this game, so I will go look at the IGN review and see what they said. If anything $40 new isn't that bad for this game but I'm not surprised they dropped the price.

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ecurbj said:
hehe...I didn't expect this game to sell anything because it released around the time Tales of Vesperia was coming out the window. There was so much hype around this game, where IU didn't and couldn't get as much hype as it wanted. Reviewers had to review 2 top JRPG's in a row and Tales of Vesperia made it out of the ship with positive reviews and sales, where as IU suffered.

I haven't read anything about this game, so I will go look at the IGN review and see what they said. If anything $40 new isn't that bad for this game but I'm not surprised they dropped the price.


Hopefully, this won't happen to TLR and SO:TLH.

Riachu said:
ecurbj said:
hehe...I didn't expect this game to sell anything because it released around the time Tales of Vesperia was coming out the window. There was so much hype around this game, where IU didn't and couldn't get as much hype as it wanted. Reviewers had to review 2 top JRPG's in a row and Tales of Vesperia made it out of the ship with positive reviews and sales, where as IU suffered.

I haven't read anything about this game, so I will go look at the IGN review and see what they said. If anything $40 new isn't that bad for this game but I'm not surprised they dropped the price.


Hopefully, this won't happen to TLR and SO:TLH.

Are their release dates close to each other?

I hope that doesn't happen, because both games look good on their own merits.

ecurbj said:
Riachu said:
ecurbj said:
hehe...I didn't expect this game to sell anything because it released around the time Tales of Vesperia was coming out the window. There was so much hype around this game, where IU didn't and couldn't get as much hype as it wanted. Reviewers had to review 2 top JRPG's in a row and Tales of Vesperia made it out of the ship with positive reviews and sales, where as IU suffered.

I haven't read anything about this game, so I will go look at the IGN review and see what they said. If anything $40 new isn't that bad for this game but I'm not surprised they dropped the price.


Hopefully, this won't happen to TLR and SO:TLH.

Are their release dates close to each other?

I hope that doesn't happen, because both games look good on their own merits.

The Last Remnant comes out in Japan in Nov, then SO 4 in feb

TLR doesn't have an American release date, but SO4 is coming to America March 3, 2009.

I don't think they'll release them close, as they're both from SE (ish).


I only saw tv commercial appear once here in the UK on the channels that appear on the freeview tv box but not on any of the main tv channels here.. >.>  But anyway why are you expecting this to sell so much?  Its something for hardcore RPG gamers as I can vouch that this is not for mainstream people.

Surprisingly this is doing better than Tales of Vesperia and that's a better game than IU.  I think this like Lost Odyssey is a slow seller but it will sell.

Be interesting to see how well IU sells compared to Radiata Stories since many Tri Ace fans say both games were made by the same team.

anyway shameless plug here but if you have a 360, like RPGs and still undecided on this maybe my vids may put you off from the game further...??  :P

level griding.

Rescuing Sapran and boss fight Semberas

Map Dais and queen Rachnuvus


Well ,it sure isnt getting the charts on fire.
Generally speaking the RPG games dont do very well on the 360 ...Lost Oddysey has had decent sales but hasnt managed even 1 million units WW ...and the others (IU ,Tales of Vesperia,Eternal Sonata,Blue Dragon)have bombed even harder.Not that those were AAA titles in any case ....maybe when a true AAA arrives we will see better sales.