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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Infinite Undiscovery bombs? $39.99 MRSP now in USA

I'll probably just wait until it goes on clearance for $20 or less in a year or so if I ever decide I want it.

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money alone can't make a good game, or a good system,
sometimes its better to wait and make things perfect.

Seen it at Toy r us today and it was still $59.99. I did see it at target a couple weeks ago for $29.99.

IU did not have the blockbuster polish but was a solid experience.

LO would have cost a lot more to make.

I would not be surprised if IU will have broken even eventually and the difference having an extra JRPG in their lineup for Japanese momentum would have made it worthwhile.

The stupid thing regarding the marketing here in the UK is that the marketing started a good 2-3 weeks after the game launched. Surely marketing should be just as the game is released so it can occupy high prominance position in the game shops.

IU is a horrible game with a lot of bugs. It deserved to bomb.

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MonstaMack said:

Yes, this coming from a Microsoft fanboy. Is this indication this bombed? Not entirely, but didn't sell exactly as planned. It's also $39.99 at Toys R Us. So probably a $39.99 MRSP by Monday/Tuesday.


Credit goes to cheap*


 infinite discovery hasnt sold very well at all. over here the game has been knocked down to 29.99 and i expect it to get knocked down further like ninja gaiden 2, i bought gaiden 2 new for 19.99

if  game doesnt sell well, they have to knock price down to get more numbers out of it even if they loosing because of price cutting

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

Er...Microsoft owns the IP, they certainly didn't "buy" the game from anyone.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

Turns out the standard price on Amazon is 24.99 USD, i guess it did bomb, none the less im a fan of tri-ace games, so when i get an arcade model 360 (when ever that may be) i'll be sure to atleast give this game a "TRY" only because tri-ace is in my top 10 fave JRPG creaters. (Level-5 and Sqaure Enix aswell as Capcom being at the top)

Anyway im one of the guys who enjoyed "Enchanted Arms PS3 version" yes, i said it Enchanted Arms, so if i liked that (Which many people did not like but quite abit still did) i'll most likely like IU.

Also it seems even "From Software" is starting to shape up pretty well, there making some kind of MMO(A)RPG coming exclusively to the PS3 and it looks MUCH better then enchanted arms does (In-game Wise) but as for the gameplay we dont know you so...

Overallby the time a get an Arcade 360 the price shuld go even futher down so most likely i'll just buy it and hope for the best, after all try-ace hasnt let me down yet in my opinion, then again those were in the PS2 days, and some of there PSP games i hear are decent aswell so...

It's a pretty good game actually the only problem is that it's pretty short game, atleast 10 more hours and I would have given the game an 8 instead of a 7.

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints

For those saying It's $59.99 online that is true, but if you go to the actual store and ask for a price check It's $39.99.

You have to give it a few days to hit $39.99 elsewhere because this was a weekend price drop as indicated by the link to Gamestop's site: It dropped over the weekend, not on the weekdays.

So yeah, by Tuesday or Wednesday this should be $39.99 universally. Give it time dudes.

As for profit? I don't know how much profit Square got, but since MS paid them a unknown sum I'm sure they got some money out of this, otherwise it would have been multiplatform. Since Microsoft owns the name this may be one of the few Square-Enix exclusives outside of Project whatever.

It's just that simple.