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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The console war is over. Its time to let it go.

ChichiriMuyo said:
You've clearly failed at a lot of things.

lol? Explain yourself, I hope it won't affect my Internet fame and honor (as if I care). o_O

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

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The fanboys who ignore all reality will clasp their ears and ignore this thread. Everyone else already agrees with you. What are you trying to accomplish?



Well it's pretty obvious the Wii 's going to win but nobody really cares about that the Wii is in a league of it's own compared to X360 and PS3, so the main console war right now is between the PS3 and X360 who will get second!?!?!



I have no problem with anyone stating the Wii as the "winner" of this generation..unfortunately the Wii doesn't have the games I want this generation.

No, for the type of games I want (though I'll admit Madworld looks damn interesting) the two systems that appear to be catering to that are the PS3 and 360. I think this is true for a bunch of people, though clearly, not everyone.

So, if it makes you feel better claiming the Wii the winner, that's cool, but there are the hearts and minds of a lot of other players who still need to make that decision, your claims not withstanding. Believe it or not..there were lots of people who preferred the Gamecube or XBOX last gen, even when the PS2 clearly "won" that generation.

So why not let them talk? How does it affect you?

MontanaHatchet said:
The fanboys who ignore all reality will clasp their ears and ignore this thread. Everyone else already agrees with you. What are you trying to accomplish?

Because I was once like that. 

I argued on forums constantly for years till I relised how vaguely pointless it is.  You think by now even with all the information we have thanks to the internet we could simple just let it be and get on with gaming or talking more about games...

But no, even on a site that has the sale data printed all over it, its quite ovouis most people still don't quite get it.  Which is why you need threads like this, the blunt truth. 

Oh course I'm not saying the Wii is the over all best machine on the market for everyone.  Thats down to anyones oppion. But honestly are most of you going to keep this argument up for the entire console generation?  An argument thats already finished?


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People just want to see if SONY can get second, or if MS can keep second. Console war??? It's done. HD Console war, it's still entertaining. And hey, who knows what can happen in 3 years....

4 ≈ One

dtewi said:
People have been saying this for months now. Everybody accepts it, except for the die-hard fanboys.

I think that's who he is aiming to.


well you dont Know till its over right?

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

Everstar said:
well you dont Know till its over right?


But it is over.  

The numbers don't lie. Microsoft and Sony arent selling enough to catch up or make as much profit.  Its done.


Unless were now counting the odds of a rare meteorite destroying every bit of Nintendo off the face of the earth.



The wii sold most by appealing to the mass market. This is true...

Kind of how a toyota corolla and honda civic sell more than BMW and Mercedes. Yet those 2 car manufacturers get much more press and praise by majority of car enthusiasts.

Also Wii has mostly been neglected by 3rd party maybe its a bitter-sweet victory for nintendo...and wii gamers in general.

I mean...Resident Evil 5, GTA4, Final Fantasy 13...all missing the Wii. Those are some industry leaders right there...