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Forums - Sales Discussion - Blu-ray Market Share in US up to 13% Over Previous Week

Ail said:
Seeing how back list DVDs sell for 5$ at BestBuy, I somehow doubt extending the list to all titles would change the numbers by more than a few % as it is a revenue comparison....

Especially on the week of the massive title like Iron Man. I woudn't be surprised if this week the top 20 titles for DVD represented over 80% of the market...
Yawn... why cant nay-sayers come up with something original? I also doubt many people are gonna be sitting at home watching tv and say "Hm... I think I'm gonna go to best buy and buy the shinning on DVD today"


Nay-sayers like FishyJoe and others will all have something to say, considering that IronMan on DVD sold almost twice as much as the next Top 29 on the DVD charts, then that tells you that if we changed from Top 20 to overall, then it would only change a couple of % points. This is a great week for BD, cheaper movie catalog prices are still needed and welcomed though.

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Cypher1980 said:
Blu Ray is not doing well here in Southern England

Local Supermarket(4) started selling Blu last year(3) and gave a 2m x 3m wall to the product along with a cardboard cut out announcing Blu Ray and explaining it via leaflets.

I have watched the space slowly get taken over by the Wii and its peripherals and now its just a single row 1m long. Seriously they only have like 5 Blu Ray films on offer at any given time.

Not surprising when Sex and The City (one of the Blu Ray films on offer) is right next to its DVD couterpart.

Blu Ray 19.99 GBP
DVD 11.99 GBP(1)

No one in their right minds is going to pay almost twice as much for the Blu Ray.(2)

Are They ?


11.99 x 2 = 23.98 - 19.99 = 3.99


Blu-ray Market Share in US up to 13% Over Previous Week


Last year was when it was Blu-ray vs HD-DVD of course you are going to make it IN YOUR FACE then.


Your local store does not represent the entire world.

Cypher1980 said:
Blu Ray is not doing well here in Southern England

Local Supermarket started selling Blu last year and gave a 2m x 3m wall to the product along with a cardboard cut out announcing Blu Ray and explaining it via leaflets.

I have watched the space slowly get taken over by the Wii and its peripherals and now its just a single row 1m long. Seriously they only have like 5 Blu Ray films on offer at any given time.

Not surprising when Sex and The City (one of the Blu Ray films on offer) is right next to its DVD couterpart.

Blu Ray 19.99 GBP
DVD 11.99 GBP

No one in their right minds is going to pay almost twice as much for the Blu Ray.

Are They ?

Space dedicated to Blue Ray is steadily growing in my Best Buy.

I think it has something to do with the profit the store makes on sales.

You can't convince me Best Buy is making any good money doing fire sales of 2 years old DVD at 5$ each..

But you are correct in that consoles are taking over. DVD used to be at the entrance of the store, now the DVD rows have been reduced and they are not the main focal point of the store, the new focal point is console gaming that takes 6 rows....



PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

konnichiwa said:
I don't like those Blu Ray threads anymore it always end the same: 'It is cherrypicking' 'Blu ray will be the next UMD' 'Blu Ray will take over from DVD between now and 20 years' 'LBP is huge' etc.

But good for Blu Ray I guess :);

LBP is huge!


All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

For people complaining about price, here is something to consider :


Iron Man DVD MSRP is $34.99

Iron Man 2 dics edition MSRP is $39.99.

Iron Man Blue Ray MSRP is$39.99 ( content is the same as the 2 discs edition).


A lot of the price difference is on the distributors and the retailers, not necessary the format itself...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Around the Network
Cypher1980 said:
Blu Ray is not doing well here in Southern England

Local Supermarket(4) started selling Blu last year(3) and gave a 2m x 3m wall to the product along with a cardboard cut out announcing Blu Ray and explaining it via leaflets.

I have watched the space slowly get taken over by the Wii and its peripherals and now its just a single row 1m long. Seriously they only have like 5 Blu Ray films on offer at any given time.

Not surprising when Sex and The City (one of the Blu Ray films on offer) is right next to its DVD couterpart.

Blu Ray 19.99 GBP
DVD 11.99 GBP(1)

No one in their right minds is going to pay almost twice as much for the Blu Ray.(2)

Are They ?


11.99 x 2 = 23.98 - 19.99 = 3.99


Blu-ray Market Share in US up to 13% Over Previous Week


Last year was when it was Blu-ray vs HD-DVD of course you are going to make it IN YOUR FACE then.


Your local store does not represent the entire world.

First - I did say almost twice. Would you prefer close to double or signifigantly more than ?

Second - I was talking Anecdotally about my local Supermarket in BUCKS not the US

Third - I was merely making a point about the encroachment of the Wii into Blu Ray sales space

Fourth - I never claimed it did, nor would I.

I was only making the point as at least in my local supermarket the Blu Ray domination appears to be in full scale retreat.

There could be a multitude of reasons for this, low sales, future move to another area of store, the list would be infinite.

It wasnt an attack it was an observation.


good for blu-ray, but as others have said the first week of a big budget special effects movie is going to skew more towards blu-ray than anything else. I'd be interested to see what lifetime sales are of titles like this months later and see how it changes.

For example, if you stopped tracking all console titles when they dropped out of the WW top 20 you'd get a much different perception of how the console war is going.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

Cypher1980 said:

First - I did say almost twice. Would you prefer close to double or signifigantly more than ?

Second - I was talking Anecdotally about my local Supermarket in BUCKS not the US

Third - I was merely making a point about the encroachment of the Wii into Blu Ray sales space

Fourth - I never claimed it did, nor would I.

I was only making the point as at least in my local supermarket the Blu Ray domination appears to be in full scale retreat.

There could be a multitude of reasons for this, low sales, future move to another area of store, the list would be infinite.

It wasnt an attack it was an observation.

1. I did read "twice as much" and skipped the "almost" part.

2. I was saying there are people that would significantly pay more.

3. Why mention gamming on a movie thread? But still the reason why you see less awareness things is because there was a fight last year. Now blu-ray won and people ARE aware of it. Why pay more for advertising? It doesn't really prove its not doing well. It just shows they dont want to pay for huge shelf space.

4. Okay, sounded like you were claiming since it was happening in your area it was like that all over.

johnsobas said:
good for blu-ray, but as others have said the first week of a big budget special effects movie is going to skew more towards blu-ray than anything else. I'd be interested to see what lifetime sales are of titles like this months later and see how it changes.

For example, if you stopped tracking all console titles when they dropped out of the WW top 20 you'd get a much different perception of how the console war is going.


 And like people have said thats just the naysayers naysaying.

johnsobas said:
good for blu-ray, but as others have said the first week of a big budget special effects movie is going to skew more towards blu-ray than anything else. I'd be interested to see what lifetime sales are of titles like this months later and see how it changes.

For example, if you stopped tracking all console titles when they dropped out of the WW top 20 you'd get a much different perception of how the console war is going.


 And like people have said thats just the naysayers naysaying.


 it's not naysaying it's just how it is.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X