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Cypher1980 said:
Blu Ray is not doing well here in Southern England

Local Supermarket(4) started selling Blu last year(3) and gave a 2m x 3m wall to the product along with a cardboard cut out announcing Blu Ray and explaining it via leaflets.

I have watched the space slowly get taken over by the Wii and its peripherals and now its just a single row 1m long. Seriously they only have like 5 Blu Ray films on offer at any given time.

Not surprising when Sex and The City (one of the Blu Ray films on offer) is right next to its DVD couterpart.

Blu Ray 19.99 GBP
DVD 11.99 GBP(1)

No one in their right minds is going to pay almost twice as much for the Blu Ray.(2)

Are They ?


11.99 x 2 = 23.98 - 19.99 = 3.99


Blu-ray Market Share in US up to 13% Over Previous Week


Last year was when it was Blu-ray vs HD-DVD of course you are going to make it IN YOUR FACE then.


Your local store does not represent the entire world.