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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Just about finished Mass Effect : what a game!!


I have a save file just before Illos, so I cannot access the Citadel, do I need to do so to play the extra mission?

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Munkeh111 said:
Me said:
my god I haven't even thought about DLC yet - this games gonna have me playing it for ages yet.

What is the DLC? (if it has spoilers dont tell me - i'm currently up to heading back to the citadel via the conduit).

I would cover that last bit if I were you to stop spoilers

Anyway, I think it is just an extra sidequest, though I just want to get back to mass effect!


i'm gonna play it through again cos there's so many more assignments I could have done but towards the end I was just bombing through the missions to see how it all unfolds cos I was that wrapped up in it.

It'll be good to take my time, do a lot more and really enjoy it.



I always planned to play it through again several times, but I just ran out of time, so I think I will probably get back to it in a major way in the summer, and try and get my achievements upto around 600-700. I really regretted playing through as a soldier, I did start a second play as a vanguard, and I thought that was really fun, so I will play that through, and then play through with him again as a vanguard.... that game has so much life left in it!

What I really loved was how deep the universe was, and the depth that they put into all the races... it was simply an incredible game

yeah when I first started playing it - talk about information overload but as it all sinks in and everything has it's own part in the storyline.

It's only towards the end when you really appreciate the depth and attention to every little detail on every race. This franchise has so much life in it yet


@ me, I got my Xbox in June, and I was not really sure about it, as I did not know what to expect as a WRPG newbie, but it was just really fun to play, and I love sci-fi games and RPGs, so it was just an awesome experience

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i've never played and rpg, jrpg or any type rpg's you like - also I didn't know what to expect let alone possibly my favourite game ever.


Awesome game, i just start to play it for thrid time, i have 1 hour and half. I just cant get enought of this game (look at my sig)

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Oh definitely a good game. Kinda cliche but story is still good. Only problem was just too short.

Congratulations, but personally I hate the game.

Play B3yond

Yeah I liked it aswell. I would not call it the best X360 game though.