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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Great games that you didn't like.

I never got Smash brothers melee on the GC.

I got it free from Nintendo UK. I played it once or twice. Scratched myself then have never played it since. I can see why people like it but it's not for me.

The original Halo on the XBox is also very boring when you're forced to watch other people play it. I seem to recall that the library section is very repetitive. Although I guess a lot of games come across as boring when you're not actually playing them.

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Final Fantasy VIII bothered the heck out of me. I played through it 3 times, and became a master at the Triple Triad game, but there's like a huge chunk of story missing. It blows my mind. I don't even know what I was looking for, when I entered an area and Rinoa was on Squall's back. I didn't even know she was sick! From that point on, I sorta hated FF VIII. Best opening cut scene ever. Best ending music ever. Shiite Rpg.

Zelda. Just not my cup of tea. Who said pokemon weren't great? Of course they are!



In my opinion the N64 was not just the best console of the 5th gen but, to this day the best console ever created!

Assasin's creed.
Call of duty 3.
Super mario Sunshine.
Yoshi's island ds(the gba one is amazing and this one isn't.)
And alot more that I can't remenber right now.

Wow, reading through this thread is torture. I may as well throw mine into the pot then:

GTA 4: I loved the 2D versions, then 3D was... eh. I enjoyed them for a while (~30hours, mainly SA), but I've never finished any. For now I'm done with the series, though the DS game finally looks like something different.

Bioware RPG's (Kotor, Baldur's Gate): I just can't do it. Western RPG's... a taste I have yet to acquire. Hopefully that'll change after I pick up the 360 (haven't given Fable a go yet).

Resistance: If there's one game I played recently that I really don't get, it's this. I cannot see what people like about this game - it feels like Quake I with new weapons and graphics. I played it all the way through anyway due to the co-op, and felt I had to get my money's worth... ugh.

Now, there are plenty of games I'd throw in the overrated pile, but I won't bother going there.


@d21lewis: Haha, sounds like you played the game a bit too much for something you think is shiite. I think I know where you're coming from though - me and a friend always joke about the torture we put ourselves through playing Everquest.

@Khuutra: Just take it as "well received games that you didn't like." That's what he meant, anyway.

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Oblivion. Worst piece of shit I've played ever.

Bioshock comes right next. It wasn't bad compared to Oblivion, but after watching the ending... I was like ''WTF did I just play?'' Never touched the game again after that! o_O

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

I forgot to mention all the tony hawk skater games. They were all really tedious.

Kingdom Hearts

zexen_lowe said:

Kingdom Hearts (the first game) - Horrible camera, bad controls, bad interface, luckily the second fixed all the problems

Thank god! I am playing that game now, and I thought I was the only one who hated the camera on it! All my other friends think it´s good, so they tell me it´s because I am not into PS2 style of playing :P Thank you!

The only one I can name that I didn't like is The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker- Sailing just killed it for me. But hey, I'm just a hater. Never pay me mind. :/

The rest are really just ones that I like to a decent degree but I don't really see as being all that great

Metal Gear Solid 2- Pretty much more of the same from the first.
Unreal Tournament 2004- Never been much of a multiplayer guy.
MLB 2001- Not much of a sports guy.
Madden NFL 2002- Haven't really played it that much.
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater- " "
Halo: Combat Evolved- Need I say more?

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