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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Great games that you didn't like.

Call of Duty 4. It's not that I hated it, but I honestly did not see why people were saying '10/10' and 'best game ever'. It was really just a standard shooter with decent graphics, a horrible single player and (I have to admit) incredible online. It added nothing new; it was as far from innovative as a game can possibly be, really. Sure, I had fun with it but I do not put it in my list of 'Top Ten Best Games I Have Ever Played'. That's right. Not even the top ten.
I tried to love it, I just couldn't.

Shadow of the Colossus. It got boring for me after the sixth annoying unreachable boss. Wait, it wasn't a boss. Those 16 massive lumbering... things were the only enemies in he game. Some warriors on horseback to shoot arrows at and plunge your sword into would have done wonders. I admire the artistic direction and, unlike the previous game, it is INNOVATIVE, but for me it was a little too innovative. I have to give that game another chance someday, dust off my PS2. But the first time I tried it, I didn't see anything special.

EDIT: There are people in the world who don't like God of War?

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

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-GTA: San Andreas. That game just really sucked in my opinion.
-Metroid Prime 3 and 1. Just couldn't really get into them.
-Resident Evil Zero. I loved the first one but Zero, although it looked great, was way too boring.
-Prince of Persia: Sands of Time. It always felt like the game was only half finished.
-Viewtiful Joe 2. It started out nicely but couldn't keep my attention.

I drink your milkshake.

MP3 it got toooooooooo easy!!

For me -

All of the GTA games - I found them pointless and especially after 3, unoriginal.
The Halo series - After being a die hard Quake/Doom/Unreal player, Halo just couldn't hold up to it.
Metal Gear Solid series - Thief called, it wants its ideas back
The F Zero series - Its just lost on me, maybe because Im not a racing fan?
Final Fantasy 7-9 - Really, I don't need to watch a movie every time I cast a spell.

^^ you dont like MGS! o_0 It like THE best game on the world!!!!!!! Waaaaaay better than games like Zelda and MP3

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Any 3D GTA - they didn't make the transition well IMO, everyone else seems to rave about the newer ones *yawn*

Any Halo - IMO it's generic, and it really has nothing that I look for in a shooter

Su Do Ku - Everyone loves them, whether a computerised version or not. Just because there are numbers in front of you, it doesn't mean you are doing maths - Su Do Ku are glorified find-a-word puzzles

Metroid prime series- I find it very boring to walk around a big (yet beautiful) world shooting bugs and puzzle solving..not my thing
GTA IV, San Andreas, Vice City- everything was a disappointment after GTA III
Halo series- while i find the multiplayer fun at times i feel it is a highly overrated series
Metal Gear Series- while i love the story and cut scenes i feel the gameplay is terrible
Half Life series- it's like metroid to me..go around a big world with very little happening around me..most of the enemies are blah

there are more just can't think of them rightn ow

"If new things are so great, where have they been the whole time?"

invisible29 said:
^^ you dont like MGS! o_0 It like THE best game on the world!!!!!!! Waaaaaay better than games like Zelda and MP3


See, I already played through the Thief series, pretty much where Kojima got inspired/stole the idea for MGS stealthiness from. So basically the MGS series was thief in a modern war setting to me, and modern war settings bore the crap out of me.

The Zelda games do an excellent job of creating an adventure, plus its more of a setting that appeals to me (medieval/fantasy).