I can see you're still at it, however. What do you have to prove? That your father sodomized you when you were 9? I am so sorry I wasn't there for you, DIAR. For that, I forgive you for your irreversibly damaged psyche and failed rationale. - your mother (how is it that I just KNOW Mr Unmanly Spineless NAZI is going to respond to this?) Edit: I can see your still at it...
Oh, by the way, I'm 26, going to 27. You're 26, going to 12.
DIAR, I'm going to save you the trouble: DEFAULT REPLY #1: You fucked up and you won't admit it. "You're" avatar has more backbone than you do. DEFAULT REPLY #2: You are a chickenshit who goes back to edit his posts. Only a true man admits to his own mistakes. Guess that rules you out. DEFAULT REPLY #3: You brought all of this on yourself. Nobody asked you to be world grammar police. There, you can now post four times while I take a shit. Give me more fodder when I come back. This is your mother speaking. Now obey your mother the way you obeyed your father when you were sucking him off. Be a good boy now...
Meh. Why does everyone always think oral? Damn. That aint HALF as bad as the other option. Be nice please. :)
PSN ID: Kwaad
I fly this flag in victory!
I wouldn't waste my time in here Kwaad, This thread is dead. Your Mother, get off your High Horse! You didn't win any prizes here either!
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