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Forums - Sales Discussion - What can MS do to capture Others?

they need to make good games and build some strong first party devs! they have to stop boasting and hyping up exclusive DLC for games as no one really cares about that!

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Make a big splash to try and get rid of the RRoD stench that is following it. Maybe have like a big re-launch in Europe, with new technology - bundle a couple games with it, put in some marketing "new and improved" bullshit. I can't really think of anything else considering how cheap it is.

Give out free 360s that don't RROD.

Pricecut doesn't work anymore. Their next big plan to win the gaming war, "Buy one, get one FREE!"


that or have a name change to the 360, name it something more exciting, a way to cover up its past and problems. Make it sound new, exciting, refreshing, but yet.. it has the same great taste... I mean runs the same like it did before.

The 360 will lose to the PS3 in Other and Japan BIG TIME. But look at the other side, the PS3 will not catch up to the 360 in North America.

360>>>>PS3 in NA

PS3>360 in Other

PS3>>>>360 in Japan

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They just need to buy exclusivity for the football games, that way they'll dominate forever...

In Others, RRoD is a much larger deal than it is hear in the US. It's more highly publicized, also. Takes longer to get your console back, and other countries are less wasteful and more caring about singular material objects.

In America, if our 360 breaks, we might just buy a new one, lol. Actually, we American's are pretty freakin' decadent, if you ask me. I love it, personally. Just hope the stock market doesn't crash......DOH!

That, and Sony just has a good rep in Others. The PS and PS2 are what got Others into gaming in the first place, afterall. Sony is like their Nintendo.

Unfortunately, that also means Others if filled with a lot more people who are ignorant of anything that came out before Resident Evil. You see all these people around here with bad tastes? Here's a secret. They never owned a SNES. Blew your mind, didn't I?

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


lightbleeder said:
They just need to buy exclusivity for the football games, that way they'll dominate forever...


Microsoft buying exclusivity for Soccer games would be the biggest gaf of return on investment since Microsoft bought exclusivity for Infinite Undiscovery.

Yeah, it would help in Others, help a ton. You certainly hit the nail on the head of what they need to do, to win. However, I'm pretty sure that it would cost like a billion dollars to buy exclusivity for both soccer games, and they'd never make that kind of money back. Microsoft might as well try to buy Madden exclusivity from EA, lol.

Microsoft: Yeah, we wanna buy Madden 10 exclusivity.

EA: Yeah, ok, you know the Zune?

Microsoft: Yeah?

EA: Give us that.

Microsoft: Give you what?

EA: The Zune.

Microsoft: You mean A Zune?

EA: No, "The" Zune.

Microsoft: ....

EA: Think about it.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Buy Nintendo, then they'd be in first place world-wide.

highwaystar101 said:
More innovation,
Switch to blu ray etc etc...


Making customers pay through the nose to build leverage in a propietary format war qualifies as innovation how?

And the problem is less about MS having a bad image but more about MS sucking at marketing. They are carpetbombing the whole continent with the exact same ads ignoring that each region has a distinct culture and it'll make them react differently to advertisement.

edit: just to add that MS does not know how to sell to the mass market, at all. Basically their main products sold themselves (through market domination) so whatever they did PR wise didn't matter. The Zune is quite another proof of this.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).