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Forums - General Discussion - Israel might attack Iran this month...

Kasz216 said:
Zucas said:
My point holds merit in that I know more about this world and especially how countries do thing then you where everything is black and white. And your 3rd paragraph was a testatment to you not even comprehending what I was saying.

Overall though my point is Israel is no golden country or really any country in the MIddle East for that matter. Meaning siding with them over the other countries in that region is simply splitting hairs. Best thing to do is stay out of it.

Once again? Where did i invoke black and white? The use of nuclear weapons isn't a "black and white" thing. It's a thing that people pretty much HAVE to back off of.

I don't think you realize how devestating a nuclear blast would be in Iran... and what it would do.

It would kill millions... and the winds in iran would likely spread the fallout to Pakistan, India and Afganistan.

Nobody is going to stand for that... besides which Israel isn't that crazy.



Religions are inherently manipulative and government can be a form of insanity.  I think its a perfect combo when ya have a theocracy to have that happen.  And I don't know how devestating it would be?  Of course I do haha and I know what the exact effects would be and so does the Israeli govenrment and the rest of this world.  However your more apt do to something when you understand it rather when ya don't. 

But I still think you missed my point that Israel would only do it if they know they can get away with it just how America and Russia only did those thigns I mentioned earlier when they knew they could get away with it. Ya wait for someone to screw up and you got the world on your side.  Will the opportunity ever present itself?  Who knows.  But I don't think Israel would hesitate for a moment if they ever got a chance to get an upperhand in the Middle East. 

This is why Israel and the Islamic nations are something we don't want to get involved in.  Negotiate diplomacy between them and help to prevent genocide but never get involved with disputs anywhere in there.  Unfortunately America has done just that and we'll pay for it.  Hell we did it before this and we paid for it with 9/11.  Is this something you want repeated?


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Come on, guys, Israel is not going to attack Iran. Quit acting like this is a possibility. As I have previously stated, this endeavor would be outside the capabilities of Israel. Crippling Iran's nuclear facilities is major step up from taking out a facility in Syria or the Osiraq center. Only the US would be capable of this, and I highly doubt that would happen.

To be honest, neither of them will be a good president. I do believe, however, that Obama will be better than McCain.

Zucas said:
Kasz216 said:
Zucas said:
My point holds merit in that I know more about this world and especially how countries do thing then you where everything is black and white. And your 3rd paragraph was a testatment to you not even comprehending what I was saying.

Overall though my point is Israel is no golden country or really any country in the MIddle East for that matter. Meaning siding with them over the other countries in that region is simply splitting hairs. Best thing to do is stay out of it.

Once again? Where did i invoke black and white? The use of nuclear weapons isn't a "black and white" thing. It's a thing that people pretty much HAVE to back off of.

I don't think you realize how devestating a nuclear blast would be in Iran... and what it would do.

It would kill millions... and the winds in iran would likely spread the fallout to Pakistan, India and Afganistan.

Nobody is going to stand for that... besides which Israel isn't that crazy.



Religions are inherently manipulative and government can be a form of insanity.  I think its a perfect combo when ya have a theocracy to have that happen.  And I don't know how devestating it would be?  Of course I do haha and I know what the exact effects would be and so does the Israeli govenrment and the rest of this world.  However your more apt do to something when you understand it rather when ya don't. 

But I still think you missed my point that Israel would only do it if they know they can get away with it just how America and Russia only did those thigns I mentioned earlier when they knew they could get away with it. Ya wait for someone to screw up and you got the world on your side.  Will the opportunity ever present itself?  Who knows.  But I don't think Israel would hesitate for a moment if they ever got a chance to get an upperhand in the Middle East. 

This is why Israel and the Islamic nations are something we don't want to get involved in.  Negotiate diplomacy between them and help to prevent genocide but never get involved with disputs anywhere in there.  Unfortunately America has done just that and we'll pay for it.  Hell we did it before this and we paid for it with 9/11.  Is this something you want repeated?


9/11 had nothing to do with US interventionism.  It had everything to do with Al Queda falling apart at the seems and Osama Bin Laden needing to do something to change things.

America will be hated so long as it's so prosperous and it's culture is so overarching. 

The Middleast hate Europe quite a bit as well and has committed massive terorist attacks against them.  What interentionism have they done recently?



Kasz216 said:

9/11 had nothing to do with US interventionism. It had everything to do with Al Queda falling apart at the seems and Osama Bin Laden needing to do something to change things.

America will be hated so long as it's so prosperous and it's culture is so overarching.

The Middleast hate Europe quite a bit as well and has committed massive terorist attacks against them. What interentionism have they done recently?



Many countries in Europe (especially the UK, but not only) often follow the US in interventionist measures. The US is definitely the most hated country in the West, but the West is seen as a whole in many cases.

I have to ask... What's your basis for categorically denying 9/11 could have something to do with interventionism and foreign policy in general?


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

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NJ5 said:
Kasz216 said:

9/11 had nothing to do with US interventionism. It had everything to do with Al Queda falling apart at the seems and Osama Bin Laden needing to do something to change things.

America will be hated so long as it's so prosperous and it's culture is so overarching.

The Middleast hate Europe quite a bit as well and has committed massive terorist attacks against them. What interentionism have they done recently?



Many countries in Europe (especially the UK, but not only) often follow the US in interventionist measures. The US is definitely the most hated country in the West, but the West is seen as a whole in many cases.

I have to ask... What's your basis for categorically denying 9/11 could have something to do with interventionism and foreign policy in general?

All reports i've seen have shown that 9/11 was a desperate last minute move caused by Osama because nobody cared about Al Queda.

Aside from that.  The simple statements made.  They don't curse American interventionism nearly as much as just American culture which is seen as incongruent with their culture, just like a lot of things are incongruent with religious fundamentalists.

Which these people are. 

Why do so many religious fundamentalists in the US hate jews, gays and blacks?  Does it have anything at all to do with what these people have done?

For your terrorist orginzation to set up... or fundamentalist regime... you need a "other.".

Which is easy to create since there are plenty of different people in the world.  Take some really poor person and show them the lives most americans live without even knowing or caring the shit they go through and it's going to cause quite a bit of antagonism without intervention.

As for the EU also following the US in interventionism...

What about like... Spain?

Kasz216 said:
As for the EU also following the US in interventionism...

What about like... Spain?

Spain had troops in Iraq and they still have troops in Afghanistan AFAIK.

They don't curse American interventionism nearly as much as just American culture which is seen as incongruent with their culture, just like a lot of things are incongruent with religious fundamentalists.

I still don't know where these statements are coming from... I see Middle Eastern people complaining about USA's "imperialism" much more than about USA's religious, economic and societal values. I guess we have different experiences, and both of us are speaking more about those personal experiences rather than hard and verifiable data.

Which is easy to create since there are plenty of different people in the world. Take some really poor person and show them the lives most americans live without even knowing or caring the shit they go through and it's going to cause quite a bit of antagonism without intervention.

You're mixing up two different things... The cause for terrorism is one thing, the justifications used by the higher-ranking terrorists to convince the lower-ranking terrorists is a separate matter (I'd also be surprised if they didn't use mentions of interventionism as part of the recipe to generate hate).


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

I have studied the causes for the rise of Islamist terrorism in the 20th century, and there is little evidence to support the notion that they are attacking us because of our culture differences. There is not one simple reason but an amalgamation of many reasons that have caused this phenomenon.

The fall of the Ottomans contributed to the rise in Islamist terrorism. The fall of the great Islamic empire is, in my opinion, one of the most understated events of the 20th century. There are the continued embarrassments the larger Islamic world has suffered in the 20th century. These events, however, simply angered some Muslims and created conditions ripe for extremism. The catalyst for the attacks is US-Western-foreign policy.

Zucas said:
Kasz216 said:
Zucas said:
Kasz216 said:
Zucas said:
Typical of Israel if they do. And people think we owe something to Israel. We owe nothing to them. They can handle themselves and they get themselves in deep with the sharks anyways.

Yeah... cause you'd want someone who wants you dead to devlop nukes.



Haha ignorance isn't cute anymore guys. If Israel is going to be involved with anything nuclear they will be the first to drop it. I don't blame most of the Middle Eastern countries for wanting them gone or trying to get nukes of their own. Cause Israel is not afraid to use it on them at will.

Yeah... If Israel nuked anybody they'd lose all Western support and be screwed. Israel can't nuke everyone else in the middle east.

You seem to be the ignorant one.



Your foreign policy expertise is about as poor as Sarah Palin's.  It's cute but not funny. don't try to coach me on what you think you know.  You look at the world and you see good and bad.  I look at the world and I see the inbetweens.  Whatever your vested interest is in Israel is silly.  You look at the Middle Eastern countries and you see blatantly bad and look at Israel and see blatanly good.  You wrong in both ways due to whatever narrow thoughts you got that from.  Possibly your religion if I had to guess.

Point being this isn't a thing of good or bad nor a thing of will Israel care if they nuke someone or not.  They are there to be used anyways.  It's just no one has been stupid enough to use them... except America of course.  They got off easy unfortunately though.  Israel is looking for an excuse to use nukes.  Probably going to start stirring up more trouble in the Middle East and dub it as terrorism in their countries and need to do these things to protect their country.  The unwinnable wars they will cause will continuously go on while they gain worldly support under the name of fighting terrorism.  Sound familiar.  Eventually when they have all the support they need people will be begging them around the world to take drastic measure where they assert themselves as the dominant force in the Middle East by making an example of a country with a nuke.  The rest of the world doesn't respond against them similar to how no one was going to stop America after they nuked Japan.  Israel solves their problem and starts expanding.

This is foreign policy and this is what should be going through people's minds not your black and white blotches.  I'm not saying the Middle Eastern countries are in the right and Israel is inherently wrong but I'm saying its similar to 911 and the Georgian-Russian crisis.  The bigger military countries wait for the smaller ones to screw up so they can intervene.  It's classic and it could be happening again.

Why the singling out Zucas? Does a certain Illinois senator have anymore experience than she does. NO! So why the one sided name drop?

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