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NJ5 said:
Kasz216 said:

9/11 had nothing to do with US interventionism. It had everything to do with Al Queda falling apart at the seems and Osama Bin Laden needing to do something to change things.

America will be hated so long as it's so prosperous and it's culture is so overarching.

The Middleast hate Europe quite a bit as well and has committed massive terorist attacks against them. What interentionism have they done recently?



Many countries in Europe (especially the UK, but not only) often follow the US in interventionist measures. The US is definitely the most hated country in the West, but the West is seen as a whole in many cases.

I have to ask... What's your basis for categorically denying 9/11 could have something to do with interventionism and foreign policy in general?

All reports i've seen have shown that 9/11 was a desperate last minute move caused by Osama because nobody cared about Al Queda.

Aside from that.  The simple statements made.  They don't curse American interventionism nearly as much as just American culture which is seen as incongruent with their culture, just like a lot of things are incongruent with religious fundamentalists.

Which these people are. 

Why do so many religious fundamentalists in the US hate jews, gays and blacks?  Does it have anything at all to do with what these people have done?

For your terrorist orginzation to set up... or fundamentalist regime... you need a "other.".

Which is easy to create since there are plenty of different people in the world.  Take some really poor person and show them the lives most americans live without even knowing or caring the shit they go through and it's going to cause quite a bit of antagonism without intervention.