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Forums - General Discussion - How many would answer the call for a US draft?

rocketpig said:
Wow, it's not even 10:30 on sunday yet and my crazy thread quota for the week has already been met.


I'm gonna make a bet that it was all done by Halogamer as well.  Or did anyone else help out with the quota?


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@ Torillian
I would be ashamed if one of mine or Kirby's thread did not make that list.

I'm not an American so I (obviously) wouldn't answer the call for a US draft ...

In general, I'm against the draft because I don't think that forcing people to fight a war they don't believe in is an effective way to build an Army.

With that said, a draft can become very important because regardless of how worthy the cause is there will be very powerful people who will try to prevent you from going to war. An example of this is the "Greatest Canadian" Tommy Douglas argued that Nazi German wasn't a threat until it was (far) too late ... 

Last time I checked the US had an army of 1.5m troops, and larger forces than anyone else (except China, but they do not have a proper navy), so I think they have enough firepower to defeat these states. The UK is the one with the troop problem

I would not join unless it was going to become a true world war. By that time though, Nukes would be assured so we'd be screwed. So, no, no real chance I would join the forces. And i would vote out anyone who supported the draft.

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There will never be a draft again. Mainly because the military would be filled with people like Ghost, Vega, and everyone else with there views.

I had a discussion with a retired 3 star general about this very topic. He remembers a military with a draft, and said no one wants that again.

He said we can do more with 10 people who want to fight for there country, then 100 who don't.

I'm not American, but i think people would answer the call if American land itself would be in danger; like during the WW II. Wars that US wage at the moment are unpopular, and are not really protecting America itself, more American Interest so i think draft now would be unpopular, so it all depends on circumstances.

I wouldn't even be allowed to serve- I'd be a 4-F. But I'd be willing to fight if I were for the war in question.

For the actual topic in question: I come from a military family myself and we always planned with the idea of a draft in mind when it came to the Iraq war. I would not enlist if the situation was as it is now. I don't feel the current wars are a necessity and therefore would only serve in a draft if my lot was called. Were the actual country in direct danger or a situation that we couldn't possibly ignore were to occur such as WW2 then yes I would enlist. And I think both my parents (one a conservative marine and the other a liberal from the navy) would support that decision, and therefore I feel confident that it is the right choice.


Here in Belgium the liberal army union recently proposed reinforcing the draft here in belgium because "it creates friendships for life" lol.
I think it's a ridiculous concept so no sign up for me, being colorblind I would be pretty useless anyways

How can you possibly misspell QWERTY? It's spelled correctly on the damn keyboard.