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Forums - Sony Discussion - It seems Sony's changing their announcement strategy...

From Eurogamer:

Eurogamer: Obviously you're focused on the Christmas market right now, but how's Sony's 2009 line-up looking?

Shuhei Yoshida: Early next year we're releasing Killzone 2 and inFamous, and we've also been showing Heavy Rain, EyePet and MAG. So we have quite a few games already announced for release next year.

But we have some other games we haven't announced yet. As you said, we are focusing on releasing this year's Christmas titles and titles for early next year. Some time in the next year, we're going to find the right place to announce those games we haven't been able to announce.

Of course, this had already become apparent earlier this year, with the sudden announcement of games like Siren: Blood Curse (alongside the release of a playable demo, at that!), MotorStorm: Pacific Rift, and others.  Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios is certainly changing under the leadership of Shuhei Yoshida, and it seems to be for the better. 

Whlie at first I was wary of the loss of Phil Harrison, thus far I've been quite pleased with the actions of Yoshida.  Though canning Eight Days was a bit of a disappointment, he's on the whole been quite positive.

So what what's in the wings for next year that hasn't been announced yet?  A new Ratchet & Clank Future and Uncharted 2 are a given, but I wouldn't be surprised to see something from Team ICO as well.

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Thats a very good way of doing it, instead of announcing games 2 to 3 years before it gets release.

oh MM, you know how to buck up my spirits after a disappointing TGS. You're so awesome :)

Personally I hope that even if this changing strategy is true that they still give me a good enough amount of warning to get excited for a game. I think around 5-6 months would be just about the perfect amount of time between announcement and release.


How about Jak IV?

How about KH III?

How about Heavenly Sword II?

bonkers555 said:
Thats a very good way of doing it, instead of announcing games 2 to 3 years before it gets release.


 been like this for a while now... just non sony fans refuse to believe it.

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bonkers555 said:
Thats a very good way of doing it, instead of announcing games 2 to 3 years before it gets release.


I wish all companies would be a bit more like this.  Nintendo's really the only one that does it consistently, and they only really started over the past year or so, with the sudden announcements of games like Mario Kart Wii and Animal Crossing Wii.

KH3 isn't made by them. Doesn't matter what kind of announcement strategy they take up, KH3 will not be involved.



sometimes Ninty over does it though, with games getting anounced just weeks before it comes out.  That's not enough time to get hype up for a good game.


Hey, they can't do that. That's Nintendo's schtick...

i still hate the cancel of the getaway 3 =(
that game could be another 3 million seller easily.

bonkers555 said:
Thats a very good way of doing it, instead of announcing games 2 to 3 years before it gets release.


 been like this for a while now... just non sony fans refuse to believe it.


The only games announced that long before release were those announced at E305 to show off the ps3's tech. One of those was Killzone 2, and the others have been canned (Eight Days, the Getaway 3).  Some have even been release (Lair - ugh).

Since then, only LBP has taken more than 1.5 years to be released.