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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Nazna's 360 Impressions

Jackson50 said:
Can you select the five XBL games or are they selected for you? If you can select them, you must purchase "Undertow." That game is Fun with a capital f!


No.  They are just on a disc that comes with the 360.

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Soriku said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
You hate Kameo, too? I don't get what people see in that game.


I actually don't find Kameo that bad (from what I've played of it before).


It's simply not fun at all for me so far.   Only finished the first level though, so maybe it gets better.

naznatips said:
Jackson50 said:
Can you select the five XBL games or are they selected for you? If you can select them, you must purchase "Undertow." That game is Fun with a capital f!


No.  They are just on a disc that comes with the 360.


That is most unfortunate. 

Nice impressions, glad you enjoy your 360.

Very cool. I do hope you grab Tales of Vesperia at one point. It's good.

I also wasn't a fan of Kameo. Rare went downhill, imo.

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naznatips said:
Jackson50 said:
Can you select the five XBL games or are they selected for you? If you can select them, you must purchase "Undertow." That game is Fun with a capital f!


No.  They are just on a disc that comes with the 360.


Is one of them Geometry Wars?

Khuutra said:
naznatips said:
Jackson50 said:
Can you select the five XBL games or are they selected for you? If you can select them, you must purchase "Undertow." That game is Fun with a capital f!


No. They are just on a disc that comes with the 360.


Is one of them Geometry Wars?


He already said no.

naznatips said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:


If your controller is giving you a "please reconnect controller" I dunno exactly where you got it, but mine did the same thing, and it was because there was invisible battery corrosion/manfacturing substance on the springs, and/or your battery is low. Even if the battery only has one bar missing, it will give you a "please reconnect controller" sometimes.

Take a Q-tip with alcohol(do this with all your new controllers) and dip it in alcohol, and rub it on the springs and clips on both sides of where the batter connects, and then where the pack connects with the controller itself. Now put new batteries in it. It should be fixed.


Oh thank you.  I've been looking all over the freaking internet for advice on this issue and this is the first time I've seen someone give a real possible solution.  Trying that now.

I don't even know what the 5 XBLA games that came with it are.  I recognized Uno and Pac-Man.  It definitely doesn't have Geometry Wars.

Guys, I have 4 wireless controllers and 8 batteries that I've been using for 2 years, and the *only* time I get a disconnect is after the controller has been doing the alternating green flashing (low battery indicator) for awhile and the battery finally reaches a state of extreme discharge.  If your battery is low, the controller should flash alternating ring segments back and forth for at least 15-30 minutes before you get a disconnect.  This has been consistent for all our batteries and controllers.

Naznatips... if that controller is new, don't put up with a crappy unit.  I would try a different rechargeable battery (they're only $12 at Best Buy.  If that didn't fix it, I would exchange the controller.  360 controllers are beasts when it comes to construction and should do better than what you're describing.


Aw dang. Sorry naz, I didn't read close enough.

get Tales of Vesperia & castle crashers both are superb games also get Geometry Wars 2.