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Forums - Sales Discussion - Predict sales of th PS3 on LBP week and state why.

160000 and sadly it won't even outsell the 360 in the same week so basically its all for nothing as it doesn't help.

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U.S. 80k
EU: 90k
JP: 15k


U.S.: 200k
EU: 250k
JP: 50k

Where is this game buddled at like what regions?

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

NA: 10
EU: 9
JP: 1

Total sales: 20

Any bets?

PS3 sales:

America: 84k

Europe: 97k

Japan: 18k

Total: 199k

Last year, In the time from now, till the LBP release, the PS3 rose almost 300%. The majority of these sales are not related to LBP, just us nearing the holiday season along with other big releases.

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RolStoppable said:
gera4390 said:
mibuokami said:

lol guys he is talking about the PS3 sale not LBP sale, his prediction are actually actually fairly accurate imo, I think it will be closer to 150k in others with NA around 65k+

yeah, my bad :P   then I'm not beting yet.  then I'd  say NA:120,000          EU:150,000   JP: 25,000 Sales of PS3'S on 1st week of the release of LBP.

Don't trust people with Kim Possible avatars!


I trust you more than the pants I'm wearing.

This will only take a moment of your time. *steals your watch*

RolStoppable said:
gera4390 said:
mibuokami said:

lol guys he is talking about the PS3 sale not LBP sale, his prediction are actually actually fairly accurate imo, I think it will be closer to 150k in others with NA around 65k+

yeah, my bad :P   then I'm not beting yet.  then I'd  say NA:120,000          EU:150,000   JP: 25,000 Sales of PS3'S on 1st week of the release of LBP.

Don't trust people with Kim Possible avatars!


yeah and I think that bundles are not coming til november so sells are not gonna be what I said :P.  I'll change 1 last time haha NA:90  EU:110  JP:20

F.U. Fun University.

KBG29 said:
This is all up to how well Sony sells the game. If they sit back and do the "our games sell themselves, and we believe word of mouth is the best advertising you can get", then expect Little Big Planet to sell like every other first party Sony exclusive. I am saying the normal Sony plan yeilds them;

USA 70k
EU 85K
Japan 20K
Total 175K

Most of that boost wiil be due to the Holiday sales starting to pick up, and this is from a Sony fanboy. If they can not get their act together and market this game the right way, then Sony can sit in third place for the rest of this generation. I have grown sick and tired of crap games outselling great PS exclusives, just because EA, UBisoft, Rockstar, THQ, and the rest of the gaming world understand that you can not through a product into the market and expect it to make you money.

Now if Sony is to actually give this game its credit, and market it like they would a movie like Spiderman, or the way Nintendo or Microsoft market the games they want to be recognised then we have a differant story. Sony says they want Sackboy to be the PS mascot, then they need to prove it. They had better have a deal with McDonalds to give sackboys and sackgirls out with all their kids meals. Coca-Cola or Pepsi had better have a deal with them to include a free themed level with the purchase of a 12 or 24 pack. The TV had better have commercial on every kids channel, and during primetime TV. Movie theaters need to have a Creat.Play.Share video showing how Little Big Planet is a game that everyone can express themselfs, and you can play levels from others that have the same taste as you.

This is the kind of marketing they have to have for a game that is supposed to become the face of Playstation. The dev team that made this game is only l30 or so guys, so this game had to be somewhat cheap to make by todays standards. Money needs to be spent to sell this game, and make it great, and if Sony is willing to do what is nessicary I see somthing like so;

USA 130K
EU 175K
Japan 70K
Total 375K

I was in the Beta, and I know from experiance that this gam is special. The gaming press knows this game is special. If Sony gets the ball rolling, and builds up some mass market intrest in this game week one can be great. After that word of mouth is going to kick in and this game has the potintial to give the PS3 a very nice holiday season. If Sony fails to get this thing on its feet, and trys to let this thing go based on internet populatirty, then there really is no hope for the PS3.

Just to give a little history here are last years PS3 sales for the same week;
Oct. 27 USA 44,070
Biggest release of the week Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction selling 72,000 copies, and this is one week before the 40GB hit.
Oct. 27 EU 99,005
Biggest release of the week was Pro Evo Soccer selling 278,000 copies, and the 40GB came out Oct. 10th. This year Pro Evo will go on sale the week before LBP launches.
Nov. 3 JN 17,051
Their were no big releases on this week last year, and the 40 GB system was coming out in 4 days.
Sorry for quoteing myself.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


I can't really make week 1 expectations. I think the Wii Play effect could rub off on LBP.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

WW PS3 = 148,000
360 = 203,000
Wii = 400,000

All on LBP week.