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Forums - Sony Discussion - What if Gears Made an apearance on the PS3 ? Will it ?

lol no updates, you aren't defending anything then

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Imperial said:
@ Cougarman Up and running , will be for the forseeable future . Continuing with the ad free , unbiased , real talk.


I love play  PS3 but I don't like to talk how awesome is it's dick is in SDF

F.U. Fun University.

I doubt it.

Gears is popular enough that it can make plenty of money without having to worry. The only time a big exclusive would go multiplatform is if it won't (or probably won't) make money as an exclusive.

Microsoft would never allow it.


MS owns exclusivity to gears 1 and 2 so you'll never see those on the ps3. as far as's possible but considering how my time/money MS has put into building up that franchise i doubt they'll let it go anytime soon.

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Even if GOW really did come to the PS3... it will only become just another shooter... GOW itself is just an above average shooter, nothing compared to COD4 and etc...

It's just something like in between for the 360... while waiting for yet another average game...

So if it moves to PS3.. it might be talk of the town for a day but there will be no long lasting effect... unless it's to say... that the 360 is no longer viable...

no, and its not happening so why post this again, its got to be the thrid one of these threads

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog