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Forums - Sales Discussion - Which mattered/matters most to Sony???

A succesfull Blu-Ray could make Sony far more money than any gaming console could for the long term.

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You ask did they take advantage of their customer , most definetley . Despite the major advantages the blu-ray has to offer I think DVD would have just about sufficed for this gen at the very least , Blu-Ray techonology pushed the PS3 to a £425 price point which is way past affordable for the average person.

They took advantage of the brand name the playstation had , they assumed that the PS3 would experience the success the PS2 had which would consequently make Blu-Ray adoption/success a guarantee (imagine if the PS3 had the Wii's install base , that's 30 MILLION Blu-Ray players , that's cheaper blu-ray , more Blu-Ray recognition basicaly the perfect scenario for Sony). So Sony would have planned to end this gen with a profitable PS3 and a lucrative Blu-Ray royalties.

If not for brand loyalty the PS3 would have struggled to break the 7 Million barrier IMO , HD-DVD would be on every shelf across the country etc.

I'm not sure wether the move was worth it at this point , Blu-Ray is growing but with Digital media entering the market the future of disc based media could be at risk.

kowenicki said:
Imperial said:
A succesfull Blu-Ray could make Sony far more money than any gaming console could for the long term. did they take advantage of their fan base to make sure it won?... you might even say abuse their fan base?   I think they did, so I suppose all credit is due to their fans that stay loyal after that slap in the face....

so answer me , did u buy ur ps3 out of loyality???? after that slap in the face too?


All businesses are money making nasties , it's just more fun to attatch that lable to MS.

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in a few words what u said above is "the ps3 success is due to the loyal fans not the games not anything but the loyality "
thanx for staying loyal and buying a ps3

kowenicki said:
agreed...makes you wonder why Sony fanboys constantly abuse Microsoft as a money making nasty...


the blu ray cost wasn't passed to the costumer though, sony been selling the ps3 at a lost meaning you practically you didn't play for the blu ray.

m$ have been selling 360 from a profit in day one

kowenicki said:
@ blackstar...

Check my older historical posts if you like.... I got a PS3 free on my wife's mobile phone contract and I got it primarily as a Blu-Ray player.


what about the 360 fans who have both consoles -and they are a lot- did they get it free too?

ps3 is selling because of games -just looking at ur gamertag will prove me right-  , blu-ray and free online not because of loyality

Sony is like anyother company wants to make money no matter how,,, they are not doing what they are doing to please the fans , they are doing it for money

kowenicki said:
agreed...makes you wonder why Sony fanboys constantly abuse Microsoft as a money making nasty...


because they are and sony is the same for sure

but what did u expect us to do ?? we are sony fans and we hate sony because they want to make money?

we won't do that

well the inclusion of bluray was the best idea from sony, not only was it a new format, but for gaming also.

i have always been a home movie watcher ever since dvd players were availiable, with ps3 i can play games and when ever i want watch movies. ps3 is the best value product out there.

theres no doubt bluray will be a huge success once the hd really kicks in, and of course the inclusion of bluray on the ps3 will help the new format which in turn in the future when bluray is the dominant format will make the bluray consortium which includes sonys stake, a lot of money.

to put it this way i prefer my ps3 with bluray than without.

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...