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Can you use explorer to get music onto the Zune? If so, that would put it way above the iPod in my book. I hate using iTunes/WMP/Random 3rd party app to change the music on an MP3 player. Having to buy Anapod was a kick in the bollocks after getting a free iPod.

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iPod/iTunes UI is sloppy as hell. The only being able to sync with on PC is stupid. Dunno if they changed that with the new ones.

Zune looks better imo. It menus are sleeker and does everything I want it to do without having a whole bunch of features I'll never use. Zune lets you customize a bit and Im a customization whore.XD

I was waiting for a zune yonks ago, but gave up because they STILL havn't released them in the UK, so I got a touch.


Neither right now, but Zune if I had some extra cash.

Depends on what are you looking at. An iPod has tons of accessories, iTunes and thousands of apps for it, but they are notoriously unreliable and known for short battery life spans.

The Zune has built-in wifi, FM radio and the ability to beam songs to other Zunes (I think there's a 3-day limit on the songs) but it lacks accessories. It is cheaper than the iPod as well.

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Comparable Zunes and iPods are the same price.

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iPod - more features, sleek and sexy

Zune - more freedom with your music and videos

What I hate about my iPod is that there are so many restrictions on the music you buy and what you do with it, however there is more content and more things I can do with it. What I hate about zune is the organizing system and the cheapness of the hardware.

Both are good in there own ways, it's all about personal preference.

What, did MS pull the DRM out of the Zune store? It was WAY worse than the iTunes store last I checked.

It takes all of five minutes to de-DRM music from the iTunes store. That's if you bother doing it at all because it's not very restrictive in the first place. Movies are a different matter, though. Apple has those locked down pretty tightly.

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Well, just between the Ipod and Zune I would have to say Zune. I shelled out $250 for my wife's Zune a little over a year ago, and neither of us were big fans of Microsoft but after she got it she fell in love with it's interface. It's a 30GB 1st Gen version but still nice. No dead pixels or problems, plus you CAN add songs using windows explorer. All it requires is a simple registry fix.

Personally I have a 4GB Sony Walkman. It is slightly behind interface-wise compared to Ipod or Zune but when it comes to sheer audio clarity and performance, it blows both of them out of the water.

DRM is a pain in the ass, but Tunebite takes bare of it.