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Forums - Website Topics - Signatures / images - designers wanted!!

Thanks for the Loco Roco and Braid banners. You've really got a knack at this Skeezer.

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Glad to see so many people interested in this, its been moving really slow with the time I've had to work on it and it takes a bit of pressure off knowing that others are working on it. I really wish I had more time (and artistic ability) to sit down and work on this but my skills are limited and so is my time =P

I really love the work Benga has done especially =)

To Each Man, Responsibility

skeezer's signatures ROCK!!

not all that proud of it.. and am hoping someone does a better one to match the quality of the game :P, but 

edit: uploaded the not final version, here is the finaler version :P

Simple Logo of the game...I couldn't good pictures of the game.


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tabsina - I didn't do a great job, yours looks great.


Any more suggestions, I'm out of work without any.


I would like a sig with a scene of Beat from Eternal Sonata dying (don't care how), and the phrase "Everytime Beat speaks, an angel rips its wings off" "Bad Voice Acting - it doesn't just hurt your ears".

I'm not certain on the second phrase....but definitely the first one.


Torillian said:
I would like a sig with a scene of Beat from Eternal Sonata dying (don't care how), and the phrase "Everytime Beat speaks, an angel rips its wings off" "Bad Voice Acting - it doesn't just hurt your ears".

I'm not certain on the second phrase....but definitely the first one.


Would you be able to get a picture?


there's gotta be a hate site for that damned kid somewhere.....I'll look around a bit.
