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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - What are Microsoft doing to Halo?

I have nothing against Halo Wars or Halo 3:Recon as long as they are good games. Halo series is extremely popular, and Microsoft is taking advantage of it (milking franchises is a norm in todays world) and as long as the final products are good (like Mario games) then i am supporting it.

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hmm...They only released 2 Halo games last generation on the original Xbox and they are releasing 3 games of Halo on this generation. How is this milking Halo?

Makes absolutely no sense. Maybe people should just stop trolling and actually look to franchises like Super Mario Advance and Sonic and Call of Duty and such. Microsoft is just expanding the Halo name into different areas so they can let the users/fans know more backstory about the series. If anything I don't see them making games like Halo Sports or anything of that damn nature.

So far we know that Halo Chronicles, Halo 3: Recon, Halo Wars and a Peter Jackson's Halo game is on the way. So everyone should just chill, they don't even have any release dates.

joshin69 said:
Its amazing that some people actually have the balls to say " these games will be great!" when they are not even released. Someone else saying that one of the games is an expansion to one of the best games Bungie have ever made, when as of becoming Bungie Studios they have made three games. Halo three being Universally excepted as the worst of the three. Maybe they will all be great maybe not but please try and reserve judgement until you have at least touched these games.

Where you get these news from ? Halo 2 is the worst of the series



dude Halo Chronicles is Peter Jackson's Halo game


hehe....i forgot

Well meta critic, reviews in general & I still hold fast to the idea that Halo 3 is the worst but hey everyones got a view.


 assumption is the mother of all f**k ups 

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joshin69 said:
Well meta critic, reviews in general & I still hold fast to the idea that Halo 3 is the worst but hey everyones got a view.

I didn't know how to interprete this sentence:

joshin69 said:

Halo three being Universally excepted as the worst of the three

Universally = gamers ? reviewers ?

gamers = No. Most of them think Halo 2 is the worst.

reviewers = In terms of scores yes, but do they claim it's worse in their reviews ? I don't think so.

Barozi said:
joshin69 said:
Well meta critic, reviews in general & I still hold fast to the idea that Halo 3 is the worst but hey everyones got a view.

I didn't know how to interprete this sentence:

joshin69 said:

Halo three being Universally excepted as the worst of the three

Universally = gamers ? reviewers ?

gamers = No. Most of them think Halo 2 is the worst.

reviewers = In terms of scores yes, but do they claim it's worse in their reviews ? I don't think so.

I will add in terms of gameplay Halo 3 was the best of the 3. Easy. Best parts of 1&2 and better AI. Also The story was very good. Tied it up nicely while allowing your imagination at the end to decide what ultimately happens to the Chief. So many Fanboys of other consoles attempt to knock Halo 3 (probably because they dont like the graphics art direction). It was never supposed to be realistic looking. It's one of the only games this gen I was excited to play every time I picked up the controller. Cod 4 for instance felt a chore half way through. I hope that Halo Recon has the same art style just with more enemies on screen and more detail. If it goes all Gears colours or KZ look I will be extremely dissapointed. Because it will no longer have that Halo effect. And it's that that makes it shine so high above other FPS's.


Barozi, I am quibbling a little here but even the Users review scores on meta put halo 3 lower than 2. Still i think we can agree that they are all good games in which the First is the stand out version. Or maybe not eh, selnor?


 assumption is the mother of all f**k ups 

joshin69 said:

Barozi, I am quibbling a little here but even the Users review scores on meta put halo 3 lower than 2. Still i think we can agree that they are all good games in which the First is the stand out version. Or maybe not eh, selnor?


 I agree with you that Halo 1 was the Stand out title. It was fresh, new. But 3 was the best title all around. It's just people knew what to expect (albeit with a few additions). If the graphics were all realistic looking the reviews would probably have been higher, but then the fans would have condemned it. It needed to stay as Halo on not just Halo name with Gears or KZ look.

joshin69 said:

Barozi, I am quibbling a little here but even the Users review scores on meta put halo 3 lower than 2. Still i think we can agree that they are all good games in which the First is the stand out version. Or maybe not eh, selnor?

Well you know some dissapointed gamers and fanboys may be the reason for this.

I found a funny comment for Halo 3:

james r gave it a 0:
unrealistic in comparison to cod 4 and no where near as fun! Pathetic attempt at another halo game!



Yeah Halo Combat Evolved is still the pinnacle of the series (storywise)