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Forums - Sales Discussion - So the xbox 360 sales rose from last week

I see no point to argue, things will go back to normal once LBP comes out. Then sales will be reversed and people can stop bragging about how good Xbox 360 sales is doing since its pricecut in September vs its whole year loss from surpassing Ps3 till now.... I mean... since last month.


Come back and talk to me when Xbox 360 sales win for 8 straight months WW. Then we have something to argue about. 1 month down, 7 more to go.

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I can almost feel the blood of the Sonyboys boiling in their veins.

¯¯¯¯¯¯My anti-drug™

LBP isn't going to move many $399 PS3s this christmas, not with the state the economy is in.

Yet, today, America's leaders are reenacting every folly that brought these great powers [Russia, Germany, and Japan] to ruin -- from arrogance and hubris, to assertions of global hegemony, to imperial overstretch, to trumpeting new 'crusades,' to handing out war guarantees to regions and countries where Americans have never fought before. We are piling up the kind of commitments that produced the greatest disasters of the twentieth century.
 — Pat Buchanan – A Republic, Not an Empire

Don't worry, The Xbox 360 is faking it.

Wait for NPD to show that Microsold sold fewer consoles last month than they had returns so it should show negative numbers for sales.

This is E.T/Atari all over again guys!


ultimate_123 said:
Others are such blind sony fanboys its unbelieveable. US are so trusty on games so no wonder the 360 is outselling the PS3. Japan favours no-one as everyone in the household owns a Nintendo console.


==> we know what is good and what is RRoD

that is all.

also Xbox360 is old gen in Europe, that is why people prefer to bet on PS3.

Time to Work !

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libellule said:
ultimate_123 said:
Others are such blind sony fanboys its unbelieveable. US are so trusty on games so no wonder the 360 is outselling the PS3. Japan favours no-one as everyone in the household owns a Nintendo console.


==> we know what is good and what is RRoD

that is all.

also Xbox360 is old gen in Europe, that is why people prefer to bet on PS3.





SpartanFX said:
wow I just noticed the weekly gap between PS3 and 360 shruk by 30 K compared to last week


you shouldn't make these threads ,,,you should be ashamed that a console half as expensive as a PS3 can only outsell it WW by 40 K per week which that number is shrinking faster than Amy Winehouse visits to the rehabilitation clinics. ;)


 I don't get this.

Why should that make anyone ashamed, other than Sony, and Sony fans?

- The console is too expensive to make, Sony loses money, and is unable to outsell the X360, despite having a clear advantage coming into the generation.

- The console with the worse gaming library (of the two), costs twice the price.


Then we can draw these conclusions.

1. Sony screwed up

2. You would have to be a moron to buy the Ps3.


Now, someone will reply that No, this isn't the case, because with the Ps3 you also get a blu-ray, and you have to buy a HD-DVD for the X360. This means that the X360 really is less value for the money. Of course, this is despite having a worse gaming library, so what this means, is that the X360 costs more overall, or roughly the same.


So now, we are in the situation of.

1. X360 sells crappy, as it sells as much as a console that costs twice as much.

2. X360 is really about as expensive as the Ps3, and including RRoD and the price for online, it may be more expensive.


Double morale as heck, or am I missing something?




So really, what I see.

3. X360 is doing a good job equalling a console that costs as much. It has a bigger library, but also started with a momentum against it. Console with roughly equal value for the money selling as much seems relatively fair to me.


That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

So the 360 is hitting its PEAK at the best time of the year to cash in........

Nice one microsoft

Two words.............. Ker-Ching ££££££££££££££ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

People seem to forget one thing. Sony does not want to be "even" with the 360. They need to be selling more then the 360 at a steady stream for a while to catch up in numbers in the US, and in other areas being outsold is not great position either. Sony was the last generation leader by a TON. They made huge $$ because game sales on their console was gangbusters. GTA came out, everyone bought it on the Playstation, same for Tekken, DMC, Guitar Hero, etc. A percentage of each went to sony from those sales. When they look at the numbers, and see at least 50% of those sales on their competitors platform its gotta hurt the bottom line.

Ronster316 said:
So the 360 is hitting its PEAK at the best time of the year to cash in........

Nice one microsoft

Two words.............. Ker-Ching ££££££££££££££ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


Weren't they just barely profitable with the past sku's?  I thought they were selling at a loss with this price cut?  If so, not much "ker-ching" then. (at least not from the consoles)