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Forums - Sales Discussion - 360 big in Japan, but new PS3 could usurp lead

BKK2 said:
It will probably be the biggest system seller for PS3 in Japan after Final Fantasy, but in the larger scheme of things Japan just isn't that big anymore. It will have a far more noticeable effect in Europe, which is why I wonder why Microsoft put so much effort into Japan. France alone has a larger installed base of 360s, but you don't see them striking deals with Ubisoft for Prince of Persia timed exclusivity etc.

If FFXII remains exclusive to the PS3 in Japan, then you're probably correct... I can imagine it will push more systems.


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Companies don't want to take brand risks on the Wii because Wii games are harder to market: you can't just throw up a few screenshots and say ZOMG SO PRETTY DESU and expect games to sell like they would on the HD consoles. You actually have to convince people that the game is fun, and that takes more effort than marketers typically like to put in.

Complexity is not depth. Machismo is not maturity. Obsession is not dedication. Tedium is not challenge. Support gaming: support the Wii.

Be the ultimate ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today! Poisson Village welcomes new players.

What do I hate about modern gaming? I hate tedium replacing challenge, complexity replacing depth, and domination replacing entertainment. I hate the outsourcing of mechanics to physics textbooks, art direction to photocopiers, and story to cheap Hollywood screenwriters. I hate the confusion of obsession with dedication, style with substance, new with gimmicky, old with obsolete, new with evolutionary, and old with time-tested.
There is much to hate about modern gaming. That is why I support the Wii.

crumas2 said:
Reasonable said:

Sorry, wrong assumption.  The GT prologues (yes there have been others) only sell a fraction of the full title - i.e. not everyone who wants GT buys a preview version first.

Given GT5:P sales based on previous GT sales the potential is there for huge numbers for full GT5.  By the same token it is fair to assume at least some of them will be buying a PS3 at the same time.

Still, at least we know that if you did like GT you would be in the smaller minority that buys the prologue as well!



Are the prologue GTs tracked separately on VGChartz?  It would be nice to get a quantitative instead of qualitative measurement.


I was about to point you in the direction of the numbers... but someone's beaten me to it.

As you can see given its sales on VGCgartz (which are low in the sense they don't include the PSN sales of the game as these aren't tracked) GT5 will likely sell very well on the PS3.  At worst it will produce a modest spike, more likely a fairly good one when it lauches (in other words yes, the evidence indicates it is a system seller for playstations)m particularly in Europe where GT is very popular.



Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

CGI-Quality said:
@ Starcraft

I don't think you know how Japan works. FF Versus XIII and Gran Turismo 5 will be of HUGE interest to the Japanese. Clearly you crossed those off the list because YOU want them to fail, not cuz they won't be of Japanese interest, are you kidding me Starcraft? Clearly your trolling gets worse and worse with every thread.

I assume he crossed them off because he doesn't expect them to be released in 2009. Whilst I agree with him that Versus won't be, I think GT5 probably will be released Q4 2009.


MS isn't going to make major strides this gen, but they are setting themselves up nicely for next gen.

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Reasonable said:

I was about to point you in the direction of the numbers... but someone's beaten me to it.

As you can see given its sales on VGCgartz (which are low in the sense they don't include the PSN sales of the game as these aren't tracked) GT5 will likely sell very well on the PS3.  At worst it will produce a modest spike, more likely a fairly good one when it lauches (in other words yes, the evidence indicates it is a system seller for playstations)m particularly in Europe where GT is very popular.




@ Reasonable and BKK2:

Well, the numbers do seem to tell the story to a large degree.  It would be fascinating to chart out hardware spikes on the PS2 that correspond to GT releases.

The original point I was trying to understand was when someone stated that with a release like GT5 the PS3 could easily catch up to the Wii, but that would imply 100% attach rate and sales in Japan far exeeding anything the prior GT series has accomplished before (the current GT game record in Japan being the original title, with 2.5 m units).  Going from 2.4 m PS3s in Japan to 6.9 m with the release of GT5 would indeed be a feat.

Galaki said:
CGI-Quality said:
PS3 will win Japan bro - believe it.


We all know games sell consoles. Look at the Xbox 360 lineups and make your prediction again.

Brand loyalty only goes so far...

.. yeah.. you just .. contradicted yourself... ...


I mean.. he would get to the same result when concidering the 360s lineup.. ;)


Check out my game about moles ^

PS3 isn't going to catch up to Wii in Japan, just as 360 isn't going to catch up to PS3. Best PS3 can hope for is for games like FF & GT to boost it's installed base to a level where it's more viable for Japanese devs to release Japanese specific games for it.

What I love most about this thread is how most of you act like true professional business men and know what's a good investment or a bad one. How many of y'all own a multi-billion conglomerate again? Cuz as far as i'm concerned, both MS and Sony are losing money, MS is doing it to position itself better in the gaming industry (total success) and Sony is doing it to push its new technology (the Cell - total fail so far - and Blu-Ray - mild success as it shows bigger sales of its technology thanks to the PS3 -)

So lol at all of you trying to say that MS and Sony are doing stupid things.

P.S. Nintendo wins in the end regardless.

What are you looking at, nerd?
StanGable said:
What I love most about this thread is how most of you act like true professional business men and know what's a good investment or a bad one. How many of y'all own a multi-billion conglomerate again? Cuz as far as i'm concerned, both MS and Sony are losing money, MS is doing it to position itself better in the gaming industry (total success) and Sony is doing it to push its new technology (the Cell - total fail so far - and Blu-Ray - mild success as it shows bigger sales of its technology thanks to the PS3 -)

So lol at all of you trying to say that MS and Sony are doing stupid things.

P.S. Nintendo wins in the end regardless.

I'm not saying that MS and Sony are doing stupid things, and yes, I believe MS is positioning itself to do better in Japan.  Sony *really* needs to get more JRPGs, etc. out and soon.  Uber titles like GT5 and FFXIII would appear, from what I've learned from various posters in this thread, to be poised to help Sony do better, even if they don't level the field with the Wii.

As far as owning a multi-billion conglomerate, I'm afraid I can't claim that.  I do work two rungs below an officer of a multi-billion dollar Fortune 100 company, but I certain am NOT the owner.