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Forums - Gaming Discussion - New Resident Evil 5 Trailer - Different from the earlier one

Here's a new RE5-trailer with cool footage. (Sorry, don't know how to embed)




THE END - WHAT?! Did you see that gravestone?! I can't believe it!

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Wholy mother^#*!@#)!!!!

That is the most awesome trailer I've seen in a looooong time. I want this game NOW!
I'm glad that there seems to be more story than in RE4. I hope the controls will be good though. Not really a fan of dual analog.

Most wanted for sure.

Yeah, controls are my main concern. I can't believe it though. Wow.

Damn, MAJOR SPOILER at the end, Just watch the first 5 minutes and then BAIL.....

I wish i would have done

Damn you curiousity

Looking good, Wesker FTW!


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WOW!! me love it, haha can't wait!!

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(


Looks great.


Kind of wish the voice acting isn't so monotone at times (I watched the HD TGS trailer).

Anyway, I'm interested in playing it, I just hope gameplay is more fun than RE4.


This game is in a differen league...I'm booking time off work to play this.

DONT WATCH THE END! will be infected with the spoiler virus!!!