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Forums - Sony Discussion - A message from the 2k team about the visuals in BioShock PS3

 A message from the team about the visuals in BioShock PS3
Hi there,

Last Friday some of you expressed some concerns and asked me some questions about the BioShock demo, and how BioShock would look on the PS3. I promised that the team was looking into all the issues brought up on Friday, and now I am reporting back with the latest news. Everything below is directly from the team – they took the comparison screenshots for me and we talked at length about all of these issues, and those conversations are exactly what I am reporting to you now.

Many of you wondered about BioShock’s graphical performance on the PS3, and whether it was comparable to the 360 version. The team wanted BioShock to be the same experience on the PS3 as on the 360. Of course, the PS3 is a very different machine to code a game on, and so the team used a combination of optimization and filtering to maximize the overall visual experience of the game. These optimizations improved frame rate and added the slight “blur filter” that some of you have pointed out in comparison screenshots. This solution offered the best performance benefit with minimum visual cost or change from the 360 version.

When making the decision on how to balance game performance and visual quality, the team did a lot of research, which included looking at implementation strategies and gamer reactions for other games that had brought a title to the PS3. One of the major goals for the team in creating the PS3 version of BioShock was to match the visual experience of the 360.

Below are a few comparison screenshots of BioShock on both the 360 and PS3, taken by the team. I have included the Big Daddy texture that concerned so many of you on Friday. However, the Big Daddy texture is not a good measure for the entire PS3 experience, and so I have a handful of other comparison shots of the 360 and PS3 version of BioShock.

Another issue people asked about was the appearance of “white bars” when using certain settings on certain TV configurations. This is a legitimate bug, and we are currently working to fix this issue and plan on distributing that fix along with the Additional Content game update. For the short-term, some have recommended changing the TV’s overscan setting as a workaround.

Also, some of you asked about the resolution of BioShock PS3. The team decided to include 1080 support for the game specifically for the benefit of some older-model HDTVs that don’t correctly respond to 720 and force the user to play on 480 instead. Our 1080 implementation is a scaled version of what you see in 720p, so therefore, the discerning gamer may notice the visuals are a bit less sharp when compared to the 720 mode. We did investigate rendering to true 1080 mode, but were not able to support it given the game’s memory demands.

We believe the BioShock PS3 demo fairly represents the performance and user experience of the full BioShock PS3 game, and is an accurate representation of the final product. We will continue reading and looking into any new comments that come up on this forum. I hope this post and the following screenshots help clarify some of the questions asked last week. Again, thank you for your diligence and devotion to the game.

Note: These images were taken from the final game. There is a slight discrepancy in some shots because for the 360 version the images were taken before the patch was applied, which means they are using the original widescreen format, but the PS3 version ships with the 360 patch's widescreen change.
well looks like thats how the final game will look then after all. for people wanting this game they should be happy that the final game will at least be a good port.
no doubt ps3 bioshock will do well, but with more time and effort i belive they could have done more. im still intriged as why some media outlets claimed ps3 version bioshock looked better during thier beta gameplay previews.
i think ps3 bioshock with its extra content should review as well as 360 bioshock

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

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meh already played and beat it on 360

              Can love bloom on the battlefield?                 Proud supporter of this gen!!!


I'm glad some multi developers are at least trying...

I thought they were going to fix the issues after those screenshots. Then they come up saying "it's what we could do".

Looks good to me...

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kowenicki said:
Xen said:
Looks good to me...


PS3 has poorer contrast, less detail and the colours look washed out... its not as polished.

If, anything, the colours are more realistic.

Less detail.. yup, there's a little less, true.

Washed out? nah.

Not as polished? true.


Again its close enough so it wouldnt make me buy it on one over the other.

PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks

This was posted by Mrbubbles in another thread, and shows exactly what the differences are between the two versions.

"So, i had the 360version and the PS3demo running side by side.

The 360 one graphically surpassed the ps3 one.

It wasnt extreme or anything. The framerate on the ps3 suffered in a few spots which there was none of on the 360. The textures and colouring appeared almost identical.(i found 1 instance of a better texture on the ps3 and 2 instances of better textures on the 360)(nothing of one having more vibrant colours) . the main issue was the images on the 360 were sharper as the ps3 suffered from moderate jagged edges. loading was the same, except for a couple instances of slow loading textures on the ps3. the pistol on the ps3 looked fairly awful compared to the 360 one. but the difference that stood out the most to me...the splicer standing over the baby carriage had a bunny mask on in the 360 version and had no mask in the ps3 version.

i will say that none of these issues would likely harm the experience of Bioshock."

good post mrgriffin, ps3 owners shouldnt be 2w miffed imo, its not as if they was both released at same time, its a good port with minor visual discrepencies. the extra gameplay content will make up for that and ps3e boshock gives another great game 2w play this holiday season

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...