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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why does it seem people here are scared of indie games?

The name alone tells you why. "Indie" is the opposite of mass-market, no? Is it really surprising that it doesn't get all that much attention?

Hell, if it did get more attention, it'd stop being indie! ("Cult" is the next level, I believe, followed by "Niche"...)

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Words Of Wisdom said:
I don't understand why people are so fond of Independent games.

They're often poorly designed, glitchy, buggy, a pain to install/run, and pretty much always inferior to a retail game.

There are the exceptions (I've played some very nice Indie games) but for the most part they're giant steaming loads of crap cluttering up my view of good games. Support the little guy trying to enter the market, I get it. That's fine, I'm all about wanting new blood in the market. I won't support garbage though and that's what a lot of independent games are. Garbage.

I see so many people using the excuse "Well it's made by a small developer" to forgive glitches and hassles that they would never put up with in a retail game and I just have to wonder "WTF." When did it become okay to get stuck in a level and have to restart the game or run into a glitch that causes the game to malfunction?

As WiiWare, XBLA, and PSN become more popular, we're starting to see GOOD Indie games. Games that aren't full blown retail worthy but are good and fun games that are worth playing. They're still not the norm though and they're mixed in with a lot of garbage.

The future is bright but for now, I'll support the games worth playing. Nothing more, nothing less.


You must have ran into some bad developers because 80% of all the indie games on Steam are great.

There are also many great indie games that are quite notable on the online space. Runescape for example. It is an indie title that truy started internet based MMOs.

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People who don't believe in indie games, there are a bunch you need to check out. Off the top of my head I highly recommend Audiosurf.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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vlad321 said:
People who don't believe in indie games, there are a bunch you need to check out. Off the top of my head I highly recommend Audiosurf.


I could recommend a dozen or so off the top of my head, half of them with demos even some free.

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