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Forums - Sales Discussion - What's your country?

Poland. Sony land.

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BTW kber81, I recently bought Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops but haven't had enough time to play it. Is it good like, say MGS2?

routsounmanman said:
BTW kber81, I recently bought Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops but haven't had enough time to play it. Is it good like, say MGS2?

Yes. Game is really good. Cool storyline, great graphics and gameplay. You won't be disappointed. Few things you should be aware though - missions and locations are much smaller than in MGS, AI is sometimes pretty weird, also control system is something you have to get used to. Camrade system provides some new flavour but it's still old good MGS. BTW they will release expansion pack soon. New cuts scenes looks sweet too.


I'm mostly worried about the scenario. I'm not into stealth games, but I love MGS because of their storyline. Hope it's good. Thanx man.

I live Belgium going back to South Africa(sony infected more like pc infected) soon. I wish Nintendo would send its aura to South Africa.

I Never turned my back on Nintendo.
Proud owner of a Wii.

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Poland. Land of the Ducks. Definitely under the boot of Sony. But Nintendo has some fans here(me and............).

Deep into the darkness pearing

Long i stood there




wandie2007 said:
I live Belgium going back to South Africa(sony infected more like pc infected) soon. I wish Nintendo would send its aura to South Africa.

I Never turned my back on Nintendo.
Proud owner of a Wii.

 Where do you live in Belgium :)?

This thread is somewhat pointless, since virtually everyone thinks their favorite company is winning in their country. Most people have more friends who like the system they do than the other way around. Dunno which causes which, but that's just how it seems to be mostly. I mean I knew more people who owned a Gamecube than a PS2 last gen, but that doesn't mean I don't know damn well which sold the most.

I'm in Canada. Nintendo Land.

Parokki said:
This thread is somewhat pointless, since virtually everyone thinks their favorite company is winning in their country.

Disagree. In some countries it's totally obvious which system is leading. No matter what you like. I would say all so called eastern Europe belongs to Sony mostly because of Big N.'s absence. Nintendo don't care about these markets. In Poland PSP is trampling DS. Can you believe it? I think the best indicator of preferences is sale. It's obvious Sony is very strong in countries like for example Spain etc. Check Other Regions chart.