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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - My console collection is complete.

I bought a 360 Arcade (basically entirely on a whim).  You guys know the drill.  Suggest games. 

I have no intention of paying for Live Gold, so don't suggest any games that are only worth it with online play.  I like JRPGs, platformers, and adventure games best on consoles.  FPS games avoid if possible, as well as racing games.  Basically already bought all the racing games I'm gonna buy this gen on PS3 and Wii. Avoid suggesting PS3/PC multiplats, as I probably already bought them on the other platform.  You can always check my up-to-date games list in my profile if you aren't sure though.

Gamertag is naznatips, so add me if you want.  I'll take a picture of my 3 beautiful consoles sitting together whenever I find a camera.

Update: Camera found

In case you had any doubt how much better I am than you: PS3 and 360 are both connected directly to my router via Ethernet cable.  Both are also connected via HDMI.  Wii is connected with component cables.

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No. No, your life is complete.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Kameo, it's short but I cannot emphasise it's greatness enough.

Saint's Row is more fun than GTAIV, Lost Odyssey is brilliant. Being in Europe I can't try it yet but I hear Tales of Vesperia is fantastic.

From memory you have already played Bioshock and Mass Effect, but Fable 2 hits in a couple of weeks and it looks far better than the original.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Castle Crashers, Braid (you don't need gold for this right?).

Tales of Vesperia, Lost Odyssey deserves a try but I have a feeling you will not like it so much.

Kameo, Condemned, Crackdown three games that cost now like 10$? And who are fun :).

Lost Odyssey, the best game on the 360 IMO.

Around the Network

Great, guess u will have trouble to make time for playing all games.


I already bought Lost Odyssey. It was $25 at this local games trade-in shop used. I actually bought it before I bought the 360, which I bought an hour later after finally finding a place that had gotten an Arcade shipment in this week. I wanted to raise my odds of getting the Jasper chipset.

crackdown.....its a classic


Oh get Crackdown for sure it comes with a Halo 3 beta invite :).

Welcome to the club, I too have all three and it rocks.

Best game for 360 is (Drumroll) Saints row... It's way better than GTAIV