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Forums - Sales Discussion - Why do people think the 360 is vulnerable in sales?

People have problems with tenses on this site, which is pretty important when talking and sales and trends, and then jump all over other peoples comments (not pointing fingers at anyone in particular it's just a general impression) If you feel this does not apply to you then move onto next post.

e.g. Has sold more.....(installed base)
e.g 2 Is selling more.... (current sales)
e.g 3 Used to sell more...... (a trend that is no longer true)
e.g. 4 Has been selling more......(a change occuring at a defined point)

We could say the 360 HAS SOLD more units but HAS BEEN outsold by the PS3 this year by 1.5 million units.

Even though the PS3 HAS BEEN selling in larger numbers this year, currently the 360 IS SELLING more due to price cuts.

Playstation USED TO BE the market leader and the 360 USED TO BE the fastest selling HD console but it is behind the PS3 in the calendar year 2008.

End of lesson;)

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@ Lord_Yggdrassil

one of the best features of the 360 has been new franchises: Gears of War, Mass Effect, Bioshock and its ability to get on board previous playstation exclusives.

I don't like this at all, of course it's to the advantage of the 360 but IMO very bad for the market as a whole. IMO it makes no sense to buy exclusivity using a game engine that's meant to be multi-platform. Epic could also make the Unreal engine run a lot better on the PS3 than it does on the 360, but sadly important Microsoft deals (Gears 1 & 2) seems to prevent them investing too much in the advancement of the game engine.

But yes, I agree good for 360 sales attracting more 3D world shooter fans to the console. Bad for consumer choice and the market as a whole IMO.

i dont really agree here. The ps3 hasnt done anything incredible yet. Storage capacity is going to make developers life easier though.

Although we have seen some good early examples, I said "started" meaning the upcoming currently under development games like Killzone 2, Resistance 2, Gran Turismo 5, God of War 3, etc will be good demonstrations of the technology.

still not released.

Sure, but looking at the long term it will be released soon enough to have an impact.

they were rubbish last year so this is a mute point

Well they were considerably better than HD DVD sales, which were hyped by many 360 fans on the forums. The gap was big enough last year for Toshiba to admit its defeat. It's a new format going hand in hand with HDTV penetration, from the big perspective the adoption rate is good in comparison to the adoption of similar technology.

The 360 is foremost a console and has a better and more rounded library than the ps3. Few people would disagree about the games library comparison. My personal belief is that the 360 xmas lineup is stronger this year as well but this is subjective.

Both are subjective at this point, the 360 had more games released for it due to its 1 year headstart on the market. But the vast majority of its top 25 selling games are also available for the PS3, while the PS3 amongst its top 25 best selling games has more exclusives than the 360 has within its top 25.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

Jo21 said:
demand for the ps3 is greater.

and at a bigger price ps3 have been outselling the ps3 worldwide by 1.5 millions the whole year.

even at a 200$ price difference the ps3 still giving a good fight.

360 is selling better but the ps3 had a bigger jump in sales.

so a small pricecut would give a bigger effect to the ps3 than the 360.



MY thought Exactly.

*Al Bundy's My Hero*


*Al Bundy For President*

Waiting On GT7!!!

 PSN ID: Acidfacekiller

once again, the ps3 at $399 has sold more this year than any microsoft console ever has.

if the ps3 were $199 even without bluray playback it would outsell the wii. people love playstation because they never disappoint (cept the psp a lil lol)

CGI-Quality said:
@ Lord

So MGS4 isn't an amazing PS3 exclusive? Wow clearly you haven't played it and if you have you didn't really understand it.


 lords obviously stuck in '07 since he said ps3 is the cheapest blu-ray player...

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Jandre002 said:
if the ps3 were $199 even without bluray playback it would outsell the wii


 Is that prediction valid for when the PS3 hits $199, or only for a hypothetical world where it could be $199 today?



loy310 said:
Cueil said:
Logic has no place on these forums... to be fair the PS3's increase is more dramatic... it was sucking ass last year untill the end. If it wasn't for the brand loyalty in Europe Sony wouldn't really be in this game.



In all fairness, the 360 would have failed if it was not for the US, and the US numbers shows this. Most people know that the demand for the PS3 is greater than the demand for the 360, this is because the PS3 sells very well at a much higher price point than the 360.

So if the price was reduced for the PS3 and SONY were able to meet demand, then there is no doubt that sales would explode, due to the greater demand.



But that isn't brand loyalty... The US is clearly choosing systems based on games... when ever exclusive AAA games come out you have spikes... Halo 3 and MGS4 are prime examples to this.  The 360 is dominating the PS3 in the US with careful planing and if not for the hardware issues who knows how well it would be doing now... perhaps in the 14m range with the Wii.  On the other hand... dispite the lack of exclusive games the PS3 did very well in Europe even before any big launches.  This shows that they had a brand loyalty that didn't follow gaming trends, but followed from the PS2 to the PS3.


MikeB said:

Various reasons to doubt the long haul sales potential of the 360.

Three most important ones:

1) The 360 will pass the original XBox' install base (premature demise) this year. This in combination with the fact that only Fable 2 remains as a big XBox sequel coming to the 360, the rest are all already released.
2) The 360 sold significantly slower than the PS3 taking equal time frames, despite much lower entry pricing, having months to years of an additional head start in various regions.
3) Microsoft has a very bad reputation in general in most regions (maybe a little less in the UK and US). The 360 is considered to be unreliable faulty by many (RRoD and disc scratching). Microsoft's HD DVD support and sudden demise is viewed by some as a Microsoft defeat.

4) The PS3 is starting to demonstrate the worth of its technical abilities vs the 360, developers have truly started to take advantage of Blu-Ray disc and the Cell processor. 360 and multi-platform devs are starting drawn into making more and more technical sacrifices (no default harddrive, 6.8 GB DVD discs, the CPU/GPU are as good as maxed out with the upcoming games).
5) Playstation Home add features to the online gaming experience the 360 will not have and this for free. There are a lot of hidden costs to have a basic experience for many people.
6) HDMI 1.3 capable HDTVs and 7.1 audio setups are becoming more and more common.
7) For additional promoted services like video downloads (or recordings on the PS3) harddrive storage requirements are growing, while the PS3 is easily and cheaply upgraded, the 360 depends on a small selection of more costly and less capable custom options.
8) Blu-Ray movie sales have multiplied considerably this year compared to last year. The same is expected for next year with Christmas adding a lot of PS3s in people's homes this year. It's becoming more an more an all-in-one selling feature for the PS3 as HDTV penetration increases.
9) PlayTV, movie downloads and maybe even PS3 gaming on the go using a PSP, being able to schedule the PS3 with the PSP. The 360 is missing such connectivity and functionality.
10) The console isn't very kids friendly due to its reliability issues, it's not friendly towards audio/visual movie lovers, bad quality DVD playback / noisy hardware / no support for Blu-Ray movies / etc. The console mainly appeals to 3D world shooter fans, that's not to say the console only has 3D shooters, but the former is true. And exclusive high quality PS3 3D world shooters like Resistance 2 and Killzone 2 may well pull some of this potential user base towards the PS3 (a sort of gaming gerne the PS2 was relatively weak at, unlike the PS3).

Having said that I don't believe the 360 will have a bad sales year for 2008, but I expect the effects to show more and more in 2009.

You can throw your whole comment out the window on your first statement.  Obviously someone has never heard of Gears of War or Halo Wars...  And with recent Halo 3 Recon announcement next Nov will be a very big event for Microsoft.  Your Resistance 2 and KZ2 are not a flicker next to Gears and Halo.  As for connectivity... well that's what my PC is for and since I can get online with a PSP I can also schedule downloads on my system or purches stuff like addons for my games from the browser.  It may not have a handheld gaming device, but anything that can access the internet is a tool microsoft can use.


Everstar said:
Jo21 said:
demand for the ps3 is greater.

and at a bigger price ps3 have been outselling the ps3 worldwide by 1.5 millions the whole year.

even at a 200$ price difference the ps3 still giving a good fight.

360 is selling better but the ps3 had a bigger jump in sales.

so a small pricecut would give a bigger effect to the ps3 than the 360.

Are you kidding me? How can the demand for the PS3 be greater then the 360 if its selling less then 360. BTW the 360 has been having shortages in Japan FFs thats crazy. That just goes to show 360 is in higher demand...


Don't take this the wrong way - but from your posts I'm not sure you're understanding the usage of demand in the arguement that PS3 has more demand than 360.

If you look at sales the PS3 has essentially matched the 360 since launch (I mean each of their launches time adjusted) and always at a higher price.  Standard price elasticity would therefore indicate that if they were the same price the demand for the PS3 would be much higher.

As an example take this weeks Others numbers.  360 sold a little more than PS3.  Now it 360 was the same price as PS3 would it have sold as much as it did?  No.  Or if PS3 was the same price as 360 would it have sold much more?  Yes.

This isn't saying 360 doesn't have good demand, or isn't growing year on year - because it is.  But the data clearly shows that, at the same price point, the PS3 would outsell 360 by a fair amount WW, which means the underlying demand for PS3 is higher than 360.

BTW this also indicates the percieved value of the 360 (at least currently) is less than PS3 WW as the 360 needs to be less expensive than PS3 to match/exceed its sales.

Personally I'd love to see a split of 360 sales by SKU (and PS3) to really see where the demand is and at what price point.




Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

Bah it's all the same shit, Anyone with a 360 will defend it to the death while anyone with a ps3 will refute it. It's pretty sickening how everyone has to defy their buyers remorse. Both have good exclusives and functions. 360 sells better cause it's cheaper, who cares about value and whatnot. That is the end all of it.

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