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@ Lord_Yggdrassil

one of the best features of the 360 has been new franchises: Gears of War, Mass Effect, Bioshock and its ability to get on board previous playstation exclusives.

I don't like this at all, of course it's to the advantage of the 360 but IMO very bad for the market as a whole. IMO it makes no sense to buy exclusivity using a game engine that's meant to be multi-platform. Epic could also make the Unreal engine run a lot better on the PS3 than it does on the 360, but sadly important Microsoft deals (Gears 1 & 2) seems to prevent them investing too much in the advancement of the game engine.

But yes, I agree good for 360 sales attracting more 3D world shooter fans to the console. Bad for consumer choice and the market as a whole IMO.

i dont really agree here. The ps3 hasnt done anything incredible yet. Storage capacity is going to make developers life easier though.

Although we have seen some good early examples, I said "started" meaning the upcoming currently under development games like Killzone 2, Resistance 2, Gran Turismo 5, God of War 3, etc will be good demonstrations of the technology.

still not released.

Sure, but looking at the long term it will be released soon enough to have an impact.

they were rubbish last year so this is a mute point

Well they were considerably better than HD DVD sales, which were hyped by many 360 fans on the forums. The gap was big enough last year for Toshiba to admit its defeat. It's a new format going hand in hand with HDTV penetration, from the big perspective the adoption rate is good in comparison to the adoption of similar technology.

The 360 is foremost a console and has a better and more rounded library than the ps3. Few people would disagree about the games library comparison. My personal belief is that the 360 xmas lineup is stronger this year as well but this is subjective.

Both are subjective at this point, the 360 had more games released for it due to its 1 year headstart on the market. But the vast majority of its top 25 selling games are also available for the PS3, while the PS3 amongst its top 25 best selling games has more exclusives than the 360 has within its top 25.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales