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Forums - Gaming Discussion - If you had to play one game for all eternity?

Mario Kart 64/Wii
Halo 3

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blink182 said:
I wouldn't play a game, i'd spend as long as i need learning how to create/develop/make/ produce a game from scratch and make any style of game i wanted, if i had to only have one console it'd be the xbox360 that i'd develop for and i'd develop a motion control peripheral for it so i could have a wii360, yay.


What happens once the 360 RRoDs? Its an eternity after all, it will happena t some point...

This would be a nightmare. Not one game comes to mind that I could play for all of eternity.

Mgs4 or COD 0_o

but really now why hasn't anyone here chosen World Of Warcraft?
the games endless.
tho i will never, ever lower my standards of living life like that :P

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uncharted, I beat it 6 times, it's the first time a play a game again, and again, and again ,... but gran turismo 4 would be a nice pick too.

ssb or ssbm. learning the combos from insane technical skill would be fun.

my pillars of gaming: kh, naughty dog, insomniac, ssb, gow, ff

i officially boycott boycotts.  crap.

Assuming MMOs would remain in upkeep forever than I would say Left 4 Dead.

If MMO was also infinate with new content all the time. WoW of course!

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself