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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Molyneux asking for special review consideration ...

It's true that most people on the development team are still working on Fable II even though the game has gone gold. The reason for this is the patch to enable people to play online co-op over Xbox LIVE.

Everyone here at Lionhead and Microsoft Game Studios are committed to having the long-awaited title on store shelves on October 21 and 24, so that everyone can start playing the rich single player story. You are also able to start playing the game with a friend on the couch; local co-op is in Fable II. Online co-op is also going to be in Fable II; we are doing everything we can to have this important feature in the game. We want you to be able to show off to your friends and play together, over LIVE. 

The team here in Guildford and over in Redmond are working hard to release the LIVE co-op update (patch) for download, within a week of launch. In an ideal world it's going to be available on the first day but right now we can't say for sure if we're able to do this. Some of us are really tired and rightly so. I hear people say they are busting their balls. How does it feel? (Like A Rolling Stone - 1966)

On day of release gamers are able to play the rich single player experience and start spending the gold they’ve earned via the hugely popular pub games. Plus gamers will still be able to see their friends online as "orbs" as they are moving through the world, as well as chat and trade items with them plus play with friends in local co-op.

How does it feel? It's a bummer, but not the end of the world, please don't troll.


This is from the Lion's mouth(get it), so there is still hope.

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Will have to translate the last part of the story, for the lazy;

[MaJ] We questioned Peter Molyneux on this subject aujourd' today even with the Festival of the Video game so d' more on this business and it indicated to us that the patch would be in fact available for launching. Good news.
Still day 1.

More indication of day one.



game will be superb, I am not worried one bit, as for djmeister...grow up.

Notice the kotaku and the french site articles are posted within hours of each other. Seems like they don't even know what's going on.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

HD vs Wii, PC vs HD:

Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

gamrReview's broken review scores:


Sweet, it'll be ready on launch day, confirmed:

I bet he wishes he could revise those letters to inform the reviewers of that, now, since like the article says, the item available to the public will launch with said features, and that is the one they should be required to review, not the beta code? That's just what the article says. I bet he will go back on it, once he realizes that would require him to put out the review later and sacrafice page hits.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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vlad321 said:
JaggedSac said:
vlad321 said:
JaggedSac said:
I know I am gonna hate having to download that little patch come day one. Oh well.


Maybe you missed something... It's no longer day one. Or at least that's what they said.


Really?  Link?


Here we go, you would have been able to learn of this and avoiding spouting failed snide remarks if you had just read the OP a little more carefully:

Well, I feel better now.  Thanks for being a rude ass.

It's just been confirmed it will make the release date.

Fable 2 bashers leave now.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

i intereperated what he said differently...

i think he wants a casual gamer to play it so people can see how different the WORLD in the game becomes, as in hes saying that the mentality of the game reviewer will mean that theyll only unlock a certain part of whats possible in the world???

welll thats just what i thought!

everdom said:
i intereperated what he said differently...

i think he wants a casual gamer to play it so people can see how different the WORLD in the game becomes, as in hes saying that the mentality of the game reviewer will mean that theyll only unlock a certain part of whats possible in the world???

welll thats just what i thought!



starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Show me one instance where he promised something for Fable 2 that wasn't already in the game. You can't because he didn't. He didn't over promise because he didn't make any promises to start with.