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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Molyneux asking for special review consideration ...

WiiStation360 said:
Krill said:
PM has asked for a non-gamer to be allowed to give some feedback on the game to the reviewer. He obviously wants to show that this game is intuitive, will appeal to a wide audience and can be enjoyed by anyone.

He also mentions that co-op will be available shortly after launch so reviewers are fully aware that this aspect of the game has been addressed. If I was a reviewer and was critical of a game for not having co-op, only for it to be addressed within a week of launch, I'd feel a tool.

This memo from Peter Molyneux is only intended to make reviewers aware so that they can make proper, informed judgements about the game. He is not dictating how aspects of the game should to be reviewed.

This is an XBox 360 exclusive and all the people who are complaining on this thread are Sony diehards (including DMeisterJ). Why would they feel the need to do this? Surely it couldn't be that there is also a much hyped game launching for the PS3 on the same day and they are desperate not for it to be overshadowed?

Should reviewers also give LBP credit for the online co-op level editing when it was pulled and will be added in a patch?  Of course not.  Finish your game before you ship it.



 just like I said when someone said lbp should be scored lower without having it

"Reviewers shouldn't score what is not there. they should only score what they are playing."

Funny people try to discredit people for being fanboys but dont see posting history.

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You know

If he'd use this weight to call for a reform for the reviewing process in total

I'd respect it a leeeeetle bit more

selnor said:
selnor said:
Those saying crap about Molyneux just cant wait to jump on this bandwagon.

He has not asked for leanient reviews or special treatment. All he has done is Tell them exactly what the coop will entail and ask for feedback from people who have never played a game in their life.

Stop mish mashing what Molyneux has done.

Dude the guy has a tendancy of being full of shit. And there is a problem with him telling them what it will have. One problem is he has a tendancy of being full of shit. The other is the reviewers arent playing what he is describing so they have to rely on someone who has a tendancy of being full of shit and has much to gain with good scores. He is obviously trying to get something from this letter. If it isn't them passing along his message through a review then what is it? They can't do that because it's not there to review. Is it asking them to be linient because it doesnt have it? Well thats just bull shit too. If that were the case then he shouldn't make it obvious that it's lacking that feature. Also if reviewers find it fit to dock it for points because of that then they should. The person who has most to gain from the project shouldn't have communications with reviewers at all. And he sure the hell shouldn't try and persuade them to think one way. What they think and feel is what they should say.



Look I know your a Ps3 boy and that you cant help it. I will remind you that this compared with the fiasco that Konami did with "special review consideration" for MGS4 was far worse. Oh wait did you forget the storm that caused. EGM reviewed MGS4 1 month late because of that.

And for your info. PM isnt full of it. Every game he has made has had in it what was intended, except the first Fable. Fable was due to hardware limitations. But hardware got better and the dream can be realised. It's like looking at the original star wars trilogy and then the remakes. limitations was the reason.

Hows about you stop swearing. Theres no need for it.


 Was I even around for MGS4.... I don't think I was. Do I even own MGS4 or any of the MGS titles... I don't think I do... I think the only one I played was the second. and I dont even think I beat it. Have I ever talked about how great MGS4 is? no... I don't believe I ever have.

Does MGS4 have anything to do with this? No it doesn't you are just trying to discredit me because I apparently praise anything Sony... including games I have never even played apparently. You are also trying to detract people from the real issue which is this letter and point the blame to whatever that isn't your desired console. Your assumptions and fool trickery is a joke.

Everyone already disproved your other paragraph so no need to go into how PM is full of it.

Very classy of Mr. Pete.

WiiStation360 said:
Krill said:
PM has asked for a non-gamer to be allowed to give some feedback on the game to the reviewer. He obviously wants to show that this game is intuitive, will appeal to a wide audience and can be enjoyed by anyone.

He also mentions that co-op will be available shortly after launch so reviewers are fully aware that this aspect of the game has been addressed. If I was a reviewer and was critical of a game for not having co-op, only for it to be addressed within a week of launch, I'd feel a tool.

This memo from Peter Molyneux is only intended to make reviewers aware so that they can make proper, informed judgements about the game. He is not dictating how aspects of the game should to be reviewed.

This is an XBox 360 exclusive and all the people who are complaining on this thread are Sony diehards (including DMeisterJ). Why would they feel the need to do this? Surely it couldn't be that there is also a much hyped game launching for the PS3 on the same day and they are desperate not for it to be overshadowed?

Should reviewers also give LBP credit for the online co-op level editing when it was pulled and will be added in a patch?  Of course not.  Finish your game before you ship it.



 just like I said when someone said lbp should be scored lower without having it

"Reviewers shouldn't score what is not there. they should only score what they are playing."

Funny people try to discredit people for being fanboys but dont see posting history.


What are you blithering on about now?  If I had shown double standards by criticizing LBP in the past just because it is a PS3 game you might have a point but I have only showered LBP with praise.  Who is this 'someone' you're referring to? It certainly wasn't me.  Are you making things up to try to score points?

Comparing the memo being sent to reviewers for Fable 2 with the one that went out at the time MGS4 was to be reviewed smacks of desperation by Sony fanboys.

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I'd review it lower if it were me just because he highlighted that it wasnt complete so obviously and he is so desperate.



I would take the opposite route, and review the game fairly. That way I could maintain my credibility. Then again, it's not exactly like you write, so I guess it doesn't matter what you would do, theoretically. Even the SDF has a capable writer. However, it's not your pro-Sony bias that prevents you from being a reviewer.

Every thread you decide to inhabit is very predictable. You make a very trollish statement, filled with flamebait. Then, when someone takes offense to your ignorance/trolling/presumption, you proceed to defend your original statement, and flame your detractors, even if you are proven wrong.

That thread is a VGChartz classic. You obviously learned nothing from it.

I have no problem with PS3 fanboys flaming Fable 2. It's gonna happen. 360 fanboys are gonna flame LBP. Basically, any game that isn't a shooter, isn't obviously AAA, and is hard to marginalize, is gonna get flamed to hell. This is the nature of ignorance, which runs rampant in our modern cultures.

The problem is, by your unwillingness to let the comments about your trolling go, you continue to incite flames for no apparent reason. Either you are trying to keep the flames rolling, on purpose, which would most likely make you a joke account. A Sony fan's alt account that tries to ride the trolling regulation line, in an attempt to flamebait and marginalize 360 exclusives and their fans.....or you think that you are fighting for your rep.

Your rep is already ruined. We all see you coming. You've made the list, weeks ago. Nobody is gonna read a LOL MATURE post a say, "Now I respect that insightful man." We've seen you before. We have long memories.

Just learn to let it go. What do you think you're trying to prove, and who do you think you're proving it to?

Keep it up and I'm gonna have to flame you, sooner or later. That's never pretty.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


unfinished games being sent to reviewers is stupidity.

look how it affected infinite undiscovery, every review mentions rubbish frame rate that it not in the release version.

PM is an idiot. Online coop is a fantastic feature and his game is going to leak review points for not including it. The best he can think for is that people review the game and then modifying - if applicable - there scores in the future.

This feature is so critical in my opinion that it might add a 5% swing into review scores. Much rather they had waited 2 weeks and just included this feature for review.

DMeisterJ said:


As someone has already said, he has a reputation for promising much, and delivering none.



That's bogus. Internet entheusiasts may complain about how much they hated Fable, but it was a good game in my opinion, with good reviews from most. Not every game that isn't AAA is "none." I don't know if you played it, but I really liked it, and if you ask me, I have better tastes than half the trolls around here, at least.

Anyway, yeah, a game doesn't have to score AAA to be considered better than nothing. I find it ignorant for people to consider Fable, Uncharted, and Rachet and Clank Future, "nothing," just because they didn't breach that 90 percent marker on gamerankings, and have a few flaws that the internet decided to tout.

Molyneux is really excited about his game. He gave a note that says a main feature will be released after the review period. That's flamable, if you're into pretending to be upset about stuff that you are actually excited about, since by degree it helps the PS3.

What isn't flamable is saying that Molyneux promised a great game with Fable 1 and delivered nothing. That's ignorant. He promised the best game of all time, and just delivered a good-average game, depending on your opinion. He made no such promises this time around. It appears that his reputation has even become apparent to him, and he's refrained from such braggartry, even giving Fable 2 himself a 9/10, which I'm sure in his eyes was under-rating it.

Flaming him for faux outrage and pretending like you care about anything but a 360 exclusive getting poor reviews, is fine. I don't care how many people you get to buy it. Propogandize all day. This game will probably end up with 85% and it won't be a threat to Sony. Good for Sony fans. They'll be able to justify not buying it, and pretend that it sucks when they discuss it with all their interent fanfriends. That's fine with me.

However, don't embellish. It's obvious to everyone, and it marginalizes your own posts.

Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios
Number of P/Reviews: 360
Xbox 85.1%

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


selnor said:
selnor said:
Those saying crap about Molyneux just cant wait to jump on this bandwagon.

He has not asked for leanient reviews or special treatment. All he has done is Tell them exactly what the coop will entail and ask for feedback from people who have never played a game in their life.

Stop mish mashing what Molyneux has done.

Dude the guy has a tendancy of being full of shit. And there is a problem with him telling them what it will have. One problem is he has a tendancy of being full of shit. The other is the reviewers arent playing what he is describing so they have to rely on someone who has a tendancy of being full of shit and has much to gain with good scores. He is obviously trying to get something from this letter. If it isn't them passing along his message through a review then what is it? They can't do that because it's not there to review. Is it asking them to be linient because it doesnt have it? Well thats just bull shit too. If that were the case then he shouldn't make it obvious that it's lacking that feature. Also if reviewers find it fit to dock it for points because of that then they should. The person who has most to gain from the project shouldn't have communications with reviewers at all. And he sure the hell shouldn't try and persuade them to think one way. What they think and feel is what they should say.



Look I know your a Ps3 boy and that you cant help it. I will remind you that this compared with the fiasco that Konami did with "special review consideration" for MGS4 was far worse. Oh wait did you forget the storm that caused. EGM reviewed MGS4 1 month late because of that.

And for your info. PM isnt full of it. Every game he has made has had in it what was intended, except the first Fable. Fable was due to hardware limitations. But hardware got better and the dream can be realised. It's like looking at the original star wars trilogy and then the remakes. limitations was the reason.

Hows about you stop swearing. Theres no need for it.


 Was I even around for MGS4.... I don't think I was. Do I even own MGS4 or any of the MGS titles... I don't think I do... I think the only one I played was the second. and I dont even think I beat it. Have I ever talked about how great MGS4 is? no... I don't believe I ever have.

Does MGS4 have anything to do with this? No it doesn't you are just trying to discredit me because I apparently praise anything Sony... including games I have never even played apparently. You are also trying to detract people from the real issue which is this letter and point the blame to whatever that isn't your desired console. Your assumptions and fool trickery is a joke.

Everyone already disproved your other paragraph so no need to go into how PM is full of it.

My point to you was that you overplayed what it is. The same way you do any 360 thread. Your doing that to downplay 360. I pointed out MGS4 because that was discrediting reviews. What PM has done is a request. The 2 are different.


ZenfoldorVGI said:
DMeisterJ said:


As someone has already said, he has a reputation for promising much, and delivering none.



That's bogus. Internet entheusiasts may complain about how much they hated Fable, but it was a good game in my opinion, with good reviews from most. Not every game that isn't AAA is "none." I don't know if you played it, but I really liked it, and if you ask me, I have better tastes than half the trolls around here, at least.

Anyway, yeah, a game doesn't have to score AAA to be considered better than nothing. I find it ignorant for people to consider Fable, Uncharted, and Rachet and Clank Future, "nothing," just because they didn't breach that 90 percent marker on gamerankings, and have a few flaws that the internet decided to tout.

Molyneux is really excited about his game. He gave a note that says a main feature will be released after the review period. That's flamable, if you're into pretending to be upset about stuff that you are actually excited about, since by degree it helps the PS3.

What isn't flamable is saying that Molyneux promised a great game with Fable 1 and delivered nothing. That's ignorant. He promised the best game of all time, and just delivered a good-average game, depending on your opinion. He made no such promises this time around. It appears that his reputation has even become apparent to him, and he's refrained from such braggartry, even giving Fable 2 himself a 9/10, which I'm sure in his eyes was under-rating it.

Flaming him for faux outrage and pretending like you care about anything but a 360 exclusive getting poor reviews, is fine. I don't care how many people you get to buy it. Propogandize all day. This game will probably end up with 85% and it won't be a threat to Sony. Good for Sony fans. They'll be able to justify not buying it, and pretend that it sucks when they discuss it with all their interent fanfriends. That's fine with me.

However, don't embellish. It's obvious to everyone, and it marginalizes your own posts.

Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios
Number of P/Reviews: 360
Xbox 85.1%


I agree that Fable wass not nothing, especially considering all the other games out there. However, Peter made it sound as if Fable would be the be all end all game and that it's not a AAA but a AAAA game. PLaying through it I don't think he fulfilled even a half, maybe a quarter, of his grandiose plans. It's an alright, mediocre game, but then again I'm poor and I can't afford to buy every game therefore my standards are slightly higher than people with easier acess to video games. The problem was that he pulled the exact same crap with B&W and B&W2 as well. They were mediocre games, definetly not bad, just not even close to what he wass promising. So with respect only to his promises, he nearly delivered nothing. Now he, apparently, has taken the route of shipping unfinished games. I hate that practice from developers and hence I'm hoping that reviewers score the game less because of failure to deliver and maybe some devs will see it as a good example of what happens when they release before they have everything they promised and have the game nice and polished.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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