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Forums - Gaming Discussion - XBLA vs. PSN vs. WiiWare/Virtual Console

Beja-Beja said:
^^^^ The Ps3 has full retail games like GT5P Burnout, Warhawk, NFL Headcoach. Small DL games like Pixeljunk Eden, and games somewhere in between which means Ratchet and Clank Future. That is all downloadable for the PSN the others have nothing that equates. Nothing against the other services but seriously the PSN has games that are genres unto themselves.

Flow, Linger In the Shadows, and all the PS eye games. I mean the other two don't have peripheral centric games. The PSN has a great variety.

The other two have variety in ways the PSN hasn't even encountered yet. It does work both ways. I do give credit to some of the more unique experiences on PSN. The Last Guy, the Pixeljunk series, Flow and Flower, those PSEye interactive paintings, and many others I'm sure I left out. However, the Wii has a back catalog of 8 console libraries and the 360 just has more content released on a weekly basis, of which is also entirely unique. The real problem with the PSN is that Sony just doesn't get games released on a consistent basis. Look at the stagnant Playstation Classics section. Look at the gap between PSN games. How about the lack of third party support on PSN?

There is no lack of variety on the PSN, but that variety just pales in comparison to Nintendo and Microsoft's services. That is why it came in last in variety. It's still a decent service.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

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Consistency is not equal to variety, a million top down shooters is still a million top down shooters even if you get one a week.

And quality matters more than a packed release schedule but 4 PSN games launched two weeks ago. simultaneously. And you have to consider the PSP store when speaking of the PSN look at all those games.

Beja-Beja said:
Consistency is not equal to variety, a million top down shooters is still a million top down shooters even if you get one a week.

And quality matters more than a packed release schedule but 4 PSN games launched two weeks ago. simultaneously. And you have to consider the PSP store when speaking of the PSN look at all those games.

Show me a million top down shooters. Show me one a week popping up any of the services. Consistency does not equal variety, but it does make it easier as long as it isn't a million top down shooters showing up one every week.

Again, if you want to make a legitimate case, why not actually provide a list of games that show the variety and how it is so much more than the other two services? Or at least equal.



Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

The Wii shop overpriced? That is no news for me.

I thought the article was pretty fair to all three. The main thing to take away from this is that whether you own one console or all three, you won't be disappointed with the games that are available. The fact that anyone can make a strong and very viable argument for each service basically means that they are all accomplishing what they set out to do and that's satiate their users.

Consoles Owned: Sega Genesis, NES, PS2 (RIP) N64, Xbox, Xbox 360, PS3, Wii


"In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations, and epochs it is rule."

~ Friedrich Nietzsche

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That was acctually a pertty good read i enjoied it =)

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)


The multiplat owner's thoughts:

The PSN Store is by far the easiest to use of all the systems, with the Wii Shop channel and the Game Store about equal.

The PSN has the best quality-to-crap ratio, but not much quality overall. That said, the games that are quality are really great. WiiWare has the fewest quality offerings, but by far the most potential for original and unique software, and already supports genres the other 2 don't. XBLA has the most quality games of these 3, and in a variety of genres... but this is all besides the point:

This isn't even a contest for quality when you include Virtual Console. I'm sorry, Castle Crashers and Pixeljunk Monsters are great, but if you think they are a substitute for 2 decades of incredible back-catalog you are smoking something. If you don't include VC (although obviously you should), then you have a debate here, but when you do, the advantage is ridiculously overwhelmingly in favor of the Wii's downloadable service because of the sheer amount of amazing games.

I have already bought some 20 VC and WiiWare titles and I doubt in the entire time I own the PS3 and 360 I will buy half that on either service.

I see the draw of having a nice variety of classic games in one place on one system with the VC. I've criticized the VC in the past but I don't think my take on it was really fair. I prefer quality new downloadable content and choose to play classic games using emulation.

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

Adding up the 'wins' in each category I came up with this:
360: 4
Wii: 2
PS3: 2

So basically, the 360 is the clear winner. And choosing between the Wii and PS3 depends on if frequency of updates and variety of games (Wii) or price/value and ease of use (PS3) matter to you more.

Obviously, if you like retro games, the Wii is the way to go, while looking for some great, small downloadable games, the 360 has you covered. But if price matters the most, then go with PS3.

It's worth noting that this is in Europe, where prices are higher and they have slightly different games.

# of games above 75 on Metacritic (including downloadable):

360: 241     DS: 144

PS3: 152     PSP: 126

Wii: 85