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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo employee talks about ‘exciting’ mystery game

Maybe it is related to Captain Rainbow, and he was asked to do research on vibrators or transvestites.

Nintendo Network ID: ramuji
Wii Friend Code: 8543-1141-9403-8457
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PS3 ID: ramuji_69

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I just read that Treehouse do translating amongst other things. That kind of widens the scope of what it could be.


I mean people don't think that this could be a VC game as well that's translated and released to VC. So Mother 1 translation?!?!? (I NEED EARTHBOUND NOWZ, GIVE IT TO ME NAO NAO NAO!!!!)

On a serious note this interview was done on the 7th, and if he couldn't tell the guys the game then it's not been announced which would disqualify, Punch Out, Zelda, Pikmin 3, Mario, Sin and Punishment 2, Disaster, Fatal Frame 4, etc.

Honestly I believe it's going to be something people want but at the same time not expected, which would likely be an old series coming back, or a new IP that just looks amazing.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

vdoesntforgive said:
Majin-Tenshinhan said:

How are you not seeing this? I'm not saying it's definitely Zelda, either, I'm just saying it's virtually impossible for it to be Mother 3. And I don't see how Mother 3 getting localized relates to this thread, because as I said before, it wouldn't take this long to translate. There's just no way. Mother 3 might get released, it's a fair possibility. But even if it does, it won't have anything to do with what this guy is translating.


Oh, I'm seeing it. I just think it's reaching, really reaching. How often do you see stuff like this pop up, and then someone immediately assumes "yeah, it's gotta be zelda surely", and then have not be the case at all? Or something along those lines. I can think of a good few other things that it could be with a more likely-hood of being true than zelda. I just think it's too early in the stage for it.


So what exactly is your stance, "this guy is definately not translating Mother 3. Impossible. But he could (and probably is) working on the new Zelda"?


ClaudeLv250 said:

Erm, they did with Twilight Princess...

They also successfully launched the Wii worldwide, but the new game is not going to have that luxury. If you were going to give an example, you could've just said Mario Galaxy, even though you were responding to a joke comment. I don't really think Nintendo will wait half a year to release Zelda to Europe.


My stance is: Look at the facts. I've said numerous times why this cannot be Mother 3(or atleast it is highly illogical). I still do not say that Mother 3 will not be released, nor have I ever said anything to that effect. Now, looking at the facts.


Gauge his reaction. Consider the fact that he is a translator. Note that the day he is recollecting was in January, and he still cannot talk about the project, suggesting it's not public yet. Dialogue-heavy Nintendo franchise(assumed, it doesn't have to be) that would give him an awestruck reaction. Got any other good matches for it?

Majin-Tenshinhan said:


My stance is: Look at the facts. I've said numerous times why this cannot be Mother 3(or atleast it is highly illogical). I still do not say that Mother 3 will not be released, nor have I ever said anything to that effect. Now, looking at the facts.


Gauge his reaction. Consider the fact that he is a translator. Note that the day he is recollecting was in January, and he still cannot talk about the project, suggesting it's not public yet. Dialogue-heavy Nintendo franchise(assumed, it doesn't have to be) that would give him an awestruck reaction. Got any other good matches for it?


You haven't presented any facts.




Did a little research, and yeah, there is a better match. A much better match.


Animal Crossing


Turns out Treehouse were responsible for the gamecube AC. Apparently, their translation was so good, that Nintendo had it re-translated back to Japanese. This would explain him "being thrown into the deep end", with thousands and thousands of lines needing to be translated, and also considering this is early 2008, he would've never known a Wii game existed prior to this.


So there's my new guess.


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vdoesntforgive said:
Majin-Tenshinhan said:


My stance is: Look at the facts. I've said numerous times why this cannot be Mother 3(or atleast it is highly illogical). I still do not say that Mother 3 will not be released, nor have I ever said anything to that effect. Now, looking at the facts.


Gauge his reaction. Consider the fact that he is a translator. Note that the day he is recollecting was in January, and he still cannot talk about the project, suggesting it's not public yet. Dialogue-heavy Nintendo franchise(assumed, it doesn't have to be) that would give him an awestruck reaction. Got any other good matches for it?


You haven't presented any facts.




Did a little research, and yeah, there is a better match. A much better match.


Animal Crossing


Turns out Treehouse were responsible for the gamecube AC. Apparently, there translation was so good, that they had it re-translated back to Japanese. This would explain him "being thrown into the deep end", with thousands and thousands of lines needing to be translated, and also considering this is early 2008, he would've never known a Wii game existed prior to this.


So there's my new guess.


No, but the guy in the article has, and I just re-stated them in my post. Do you even read my responses, man? :s


Also, Animal Crossing fits, besides the fact that he says he can't talk about it.

Or Animal Crossing doesn't fit as it was announced as a Wii launch title, but then went off the map, so it's been in the works for a long time but something unexpected? Not at all.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

I don't remember him saying what it was and was not. He was as vague and cryptic as he could possibly be. So I'm not getting how you got to it not possibly being EB, but could be Zelda.

Anyway, no point in going on about it. The chances of this being AC are extremely high.


Did you not notice my post? lol It's very likely it's not IMO. AC was announced at Wii's launch then went off the map and reappeared. It's not likely that AC would be such a surprise and something he couldn't talk about.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000


Mother 3 = Needs only translating. That's ALL it needs. Besides that, it's a complete game. It would never take 10 months to translate. It has very light dialogue, and even a game with magnitude of dialogue, like FFX, wouldn't take nearly that long.

Now let me state the facts, AGAIN, in a list-form.

1. His reaction. We know for a fact how he reacted.
2. That he's working for Nintendo. We know for a fact he does.
3. The day he's recollecting was back in January. We know for a fact, since the article says it was his first day and also that he started working for Nintendo in January.
4. That he is a translator. We know for a fact that that's his line of work.
5. That when he did this interview, like yesterday, he couldn't talk about the game. Which heavily suggests that it's a game that is not publicly known yet.

There are the facts. Those are the facts that I use to draw the conclusion that it could very well be Zelda and that it is definitely not Mother 3. I've never said "It's Zelda. Yeah, it's certain. It's a fact", and you'd see that if you read my posts. After reading your replies, I am convinced that you do not properly read my posts. If you somehow do, you forget what my posts said when you reply to them.


EDIT: Yeah, Maxwell, you're right. I forgot that AC was announced way before E3, so it doesn't fit very well either way.