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Forums - Sales Discussion - We don't need price cuts on hardware, we need them on software!

This is what buggs me why nintendo hasnt released their players choice esp on the DS! mario kart DS has been around for almost 4 years and its STILL at 35 bucks!is it still selling that good that it dosesnt need a price drop?

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i really think that games going online, because they are starting small and going up, will change all this. the price will be individually based on the game. so a game can use price as part of its selling point.

my pillars of gaming: kh, naughty dog, insomniac, ssb, gow, ff

i officially boycott boycotts.  crap.

In Australia some games cost 110-120 bucks when they first come out (at least in regards to consoles).

FaRmLaNd said:
In Australia some games cost 110-120 bucks when they first come out (at least in regards to consoles).



In Norway, Twilight Princess still costs 130 dollars in most stores.

I win. Well, not really.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

Red4ADevil said:
This is what buggs me why nintendo hasnt released their players choice esp on the DS! mario kart DS has been around for almost 4 years and its STILL at 35 bucks!is it still selling that good that it dosesnt need a price drop?


Mario Kart DS
Nintendo 150 60,786


"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

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i know I end up buying almost all the discounted first party 360 stuff. And I likely wouldn't at $60. But the new Banjo is $36 on Amazon, including free Banjo XBLA download. That's like stealing in today's market. Same with Viva Pinata 2 - bought it at $40 immediately and likely would've passed at $60, even though I loved the first one.

I'm still buying the A+++ games for all 3 consoles plus DS, but I rent/borrow/trade for everything else because of the price. If the games were cheaper I'd buy more.

Same on DLC and PSN/XBLA games. I'll buy every passable game at $5 or so. But at $10 I hesitate and usually don't buy, and at $15 or more, I've only bought like 3 or 4, even when I want them.

But these companies employ guys to do the bean-counting, so I assume they know something we don't.

Can't we all just get along and play our games in peace?

Games cost way to much money 60 dollars is a rip off.
they should still cost 50 dollars here in america


Games that sell well don't get price drops until they're put into a 'players choice' box. Why lower the price on a game if it sells well? A game like Star Wars will eventually drop, but it won't until they think they've milked the current price point.

Oyvoyvoyv said:
FaRmLaNd said:
In Australia some games cost 110-120 bucks when they first come out (at least in regards to consoles).



In Norway, Twilight Princess still costs 130 dollars in most stores.

I win. Well, not really.

Wow... it was £40 at launch here in UK, (50-55 Euros I think)... It's currently £30 new on Amazon.


Nintendo doesn't drop the prices on their games because they generally have long legs and don't need it.