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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft’s pockets not so deep for the Xbox 360 division

LOL.  I was very mistaken.  I looked into it and Nintendo and Sony are both doing alot worse than I thought.  And believe me, they are definitely making changes, just not as outward facing as M$.  Especially with stock trends like that.

  SONY  Industry Group
3 Months  -35.0%   NA
6 Months  -29.3%   NA
12 Months  -47.7%   NA

  Nintendo  Industry Group
3 Months  -39.7%   NA
6 Months  -32.4%   NA
12 Months  -42.9%   NA

  Microsoft  Industry Group
3 Months  1.3%   -14.4%
6 Months  -9.7%   -24.3%
12 Months  -11.4%   -38.2%

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DMeisterJ - stop gloating you fanboy, this exact situation happened to SCE several months ago, they were told by Sony main to get profitable or get out.

As to why it's not happening to Ninty - because they're the market leader in both Portable and homebased consoles, and are breaking lots of game selling records, and Ninty made a good profit even last gen

Shows you how cutthroat it can get. Sony is probably at the forefront of reducing manufacturing costs, Ninty came out of nowhere with relatively weak hardware. Even MS has to reign it in eventually. Who thinks all this DLC and buying exclusives will pan out for MS. Especially the DLC, honestly how many people did MS think would care about GTA4 DLC?

I really think Sony is gonna come out the other side better off with their relative frugality when it comes to buying DLC and little things. And I might sound crazy, but I think Sony is in the driver's seat pricewise now. I mean, they have the "value" machine (higher price can imply added value, and let's be honest, it's partially true) and room for price cuts. The 360 isn't going down in price for a long time unless MS plans on ending this system's life early too.

Wow, MS is acting like every other US company, heck even certain parts of the US states and national governments are on hiring freezes at the moment.

The world economy is going to hell, everyone knows this and now isn't the time to look like a company with "good growth" prospects but rather a company who isn't bleeding money to help keep your stock from sinking even further.

NYANKS said:

Shows you how cutthroat it can get. Sony is probably at the forefront of reducing manufacturing costs, Ninty came out of nowhere with relatively weak hardware. Even MS has to reign it in eventually. Who thinks all this DLC and buying exclusives will pan out for MS. Especially the DLC, honestly how many people did MS think would care about GTA4 DLC?

I really think Sony is gonna come out the other side better off with their relative frugality when it comes to buying DLC and little things. And I might sound crazy, but I think Sony is in the driver's seat pricewise now. I mean, they have the "value" machine (higher price can imply added value, and let's be honest, it's partially true) and room for price cuts. The 360 isn't going down in price for a long time unless MS plans on ending this system's life early too.

You do realize that Sony has lost billions of dollars due to the PS3 R&D and high manufacturing costs, right?  Only Nintendo has made a profit on every machine.  I don't know how much it cost them to develop the Wii, however.


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This thread smells pretty bad. JaggedSac your post is the marsh mellow in a cow patty. :)

JaggedSac said:

LOL.  I was very mistaken.  I looked into it and Nintendo and Sony are both doing alot worse than I thought.  And believe me, they are definitely making changes, just not as outward facing as M$.  Especially with stock trends like that.

 SONY  Industry Group
3 Months  -35.0%   NA
6 Months  -29.3%   NA
12 Months  -47.7%   NA

 Nintendo  Industry Group
3 Months  -39.7%   NA
6 Months  -32.4%   NA
12 Months  -42.9%   NA

 Microsoft  Industry Group
3 Months  1.3%   -14.4%
6 Months  -9.7%   -24.3%
12 Months  -11.4%   -38.2%


Jagged. Dude. Look at the companies. Sony is a high end manufacturer of entertainment goods, phones, music players and TVs and Game consoles. All highly subject to a turn down in the economy.

Nintendo is only a manufacturer of Home Consoles and gaming devices, highly subject to a turn down in the economy.

Microsoft is the manufacturer of the worlds most used operating system, nearly every computer made and sold has their product on it, Home users and Businesses and Government all buy these computers, and need them on a regular basis, economic downturn or not. They also produce the most used Office Suite program, of which every computer needs to have it purchased.

I work in the government, in a 13 story building, we have around 8,000 computers in that building. Every one of them has Office and Windows on them. Every one of those computers is replaced every 5 years, mandatory. And all those DRM's need to be repurchased.

Thats one building. There are tens of thousands of those just in the State of California for the government with thousands of computers in most of them.

You tell me why Microsoft as a whole is doing better during this time then two companies dedicated to leasure purchases.

IF Microsofts gaming division was its own entity on the Stock Exchange, it would be far lower and harder hit than either Nintendo or Sony. Since Sony has its electronics division to prop up the Entertainment one, and Nintendo is selling like Gangbusters.

I own all three current consoles and a great gaming rig, now thats out of the way.

This space Reserved for the Nuggets of Wisdom dropped by Bladeforce:

"Why post something like this when all it will get is PS3 owners blinded to reality replying? BOTH THE PS3 AND BLUE-RAY WILL NOT LAST 3 YEARS! TECHNOLOGY CHANGED TOO FAST!"

"is it Wii FIt that has sold as many as PS3's sold? Thats a LOL Look at the total sales of software is it just me that sees Nintendo titles hitting 10m+ and you say they arent making a difference? Another LOL!"

"Hell, with all the negative hype Sony spin, people just aren't interested cost is too high and to get the true HD experience (1080p, 7.1 surround) you will need a $1000+ system. THAT IS GOING TO DO IT IN A RECESSION! PS4 will not happen"

flagship said:
Wow, MS is acting like every other US company, heck even certain parts of the US states and national governments are on hiring freezes at the moment.

The world economy is going to hell, everyone knows this and now isn't the time to look like a company with "good growth" prospects but rather a company who isn't bleeding money to help keep your stock from sinking even further.

I think MS is cutting back because the new 360 models now have enough chocolatey goodness that they want to focus on that division being in the black.  And the Zune is likely dragging that division down hard, too.


It's funny how you can tell how poorly the PS3 is doing by the amount of trolling by PS3 fanboys in the Microsoft forum. And considering how much they're trolling things must be looking pretty bad for the PS3.

Maybe we need to bring back that chart showing how many PS2 gamers are turning to the Wii and 360. Considering the price drop it is likely even higher now. Good times... Good times... :)

Or laugh as PS3 fanboys crow about getting sloppy seconds (with a new coat of lipstick). Who could have imagined back in the PS2 days that it would come to this? Keep it up PS3 fanboys, you're providing us all with a good laugh.

Gamerblorge, that is all I need to know. One of two of the worst gaming sites on the internet. Funny they both are from the AU though.