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Forums - Sony Discussion - Is 2008 the year of PS3

a better question to ask is has it outsold the 360 this year?? to answer your question yes its the year of the playstation and yes 2009 is too

URNOTE Proud Owner of a 60GB PS3 Console (Purchased 12/22/06)

 #1 reason MGS4 is PS3 exclusive  xbox is too loud for snake to sneak around
PSNTAG= Xander732

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Well, at first, I thought GT5, FF13 will come out in 2008, and that would certainly be the year of the PS3, but now that FF13 has gone mutlirelease, and GT5 is nothing more than a prologue, 2008 doesn't have that big release rush to pull it, just like 360 did in 2007. MGS4 is the only real console killer exclusive this year. I don't see how LBP and resistance 2 will sell beyond the current ps3 owners.

I don't see Gears of War 2 selling to people who don't already have a 360. Microsoft's strategy is all screwed up. At E3 they preached about how they were catering to the casual market, they even cancelled Bungie's big announcement for "you're in the movies". Yet all the games that people are throwing to defend Microsoft are Halo Wars (not a casual game), Fable 2 (again not a casual game) and Gears of War 2 (again not a casual game). Sony is the only company that is targeting every market (non gamers with Blu-Ray movies, casual gamers with PlayStation Home and everyone with LittleBigPlanet. So far everyone who is in the beta is loving the game). Now I have given Microsoft alot of credit for the 360 (not here but on other websites), but by the time April 09 is over, the PS3 will be beating the 360 in worldwide sales.

I don't see Gears of War 2 selling to people who don't already have a 360. Microsoft's strategy is all screwed up. At E3 they preached about how they were catering to the casual market, they even cancelled Bungie's big announcement for "you're in the movies". Yet all the games that people are throwing to defend Microsoft are Halo Wars (not a casual game), Fable 2 (again not a casual game) and Gears of War 2 (again not a casual game). Sony is the only company that is targeting every market (non gamers with Blu-Ray movies, casual gamers with PlayStation Home and everyone with LittleBigPlanet. So far everyone who is in the beta is loving the game). Now I have given Microsoft alot of credit for the 360 (not here but on other websites), but by the time April 09 is over, the PS3 will be beating the 360 in worldwide sales.

Last time I checked, this was the year of the Wii (again).

PS3 is a distant second with a fairly close 3rd for 360.

If things keep up 2nd and 3rd will pretty much be indistguishable by the end of the year. IT will be more like first half goes to PS3, second half to 360.

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leo-j said:
Soriku said:
Considering the PS3 will never be at year will be the year of the PS3.


 Im going to quote you on that soriku, in any case in terms of games, the PS3 has had the most quality titles release this year than any other console so far, and its true, I mean GTA IV (also on X360), GT5 Prologue (demo), DMC4 (also on X360), MGS4 (check), Wipe out HD (PSN title), Ratchet quest for booty (another PSN title), and tons more I really havent looked into.

LBP and Resistance 2 will be good exclusive PS3  games. Best games are still years off: FFXIII, GT 5 and God of War 3.

Kill Zone 2 I would not have high expectations of that game Kill Zone on PS2 had an average review score in the low 70's. It would have to pull off a miracle for KZ2 to be a AAA title with around 90% + review scores.

KZ2, I predict will score in the low to mid 80's. So an improvement upon Kill Zone.

I believe Soriku could be right with his statement.



Domicinator said:
ceaser92 said:
Domicinator said:
The PS3 has not closed the sales gap at all, in fact it's widening again. So no, it doesn't look like 2008 is the year of the PS3 unless they pull a price cut.


get ur facts straight first the ps3 actually outsold the 360 this year and will do better this holiday and QUOTE ME the 360 will never beat the ps3 in yearly sales in Hardware


Yeah, and where is Sony now?  Still about 5.5 million units behind the 360 and not currently gaining any ground after the 360 price cut and the strong holiday lineup in the pipeline.  So yes, you're right, the PS3 had a strong first half, but any gains it made have been negated at this point.

the gap has been closed by more than 1.5 million units. So no, any gains has not been negated unless the 360 sells 1.5 million units more than the ps3 this week.


Check out my game about moles ^

elendar said:
saxophonehero said:
Domicinator said:
The PS3 has not closed the sales gap at all, in fact it's widening again. So no, it doesn't look like 2008 is the year of the PS3 unless they pull a price cut.

i am sorry to tell you this but the ps3 had made the gap alot closer than early 2008. But i do have high hopes for the ps3 in 2009 Maybe you should do some research because your flat out wrong.

Sorry Sony fans, but 2007 was not the PS3 year. In 2008 the situation for Sony platform is better, but not enough for decisive win. As I can see it in the end of 2008 it will be around 50/50. 2009? Who knows!

threads broken lol

but 09 goes to the wii