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Forums - Sales Discussion - 10 reasons why the 360 will own this holiday season!

halil23 said:
kirby007 said:
nice spin/trolling/damagecontrol sonyboys

....umm right! whatever wiiboy???

you mean there was no spin/trolling/damagecontrol by sony fans in this thread?


 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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ceaser92 said:
ok number 1- that new dashboard thing is not gonna make the 360 win this holiday
number 2 gears OK THIS can pass
number 3 left for dead wont sell enough to make the 360 win this holiday
number 4 fable 2 will help so this one works also
number 5 gta DLC is not important gta released apr 29, people will not buy this game just for that, so another failed reason
number 6 price cut ok this is good
number 7 net flix is good but this is not gonna make the 360 win
number 8 fall out 3 DLC No this is a failure reason also
number 9 xbox live is not gonna make someone buy a system when u have to pay to play
number 10 everyone knows psn games are A hell of alot better than arcade games

not being a fanboy just being real


 Number 10 WTF?

There is not one single PS3 owner I know that says PSN games are better than arcade. Admittadley they arent fanboys like the majority of this site, but that statement is so silly. If you can answer yes to Is Banjo Kazooie coming to PSN or Is Perfect Dark a possibility then I will agree PSN games are equal or better.

Arcade could have just BK alone and it would kill PSN. Jeez man. There is statements then theres statements.

30 Million? ... big lol

360 had a better game line-up than ps3

CGI-Quality said:
@ Ronster

All you ever do is hate. Try posting something NON-BIASED for a change, geez.



I like god of war and metal gear solid.......... Happy now?

Oh, And your never biased either are you?

oops, Apart from you calling xbox 360 owners xbots and your many pro ps3 posts

Lots of ps3 fanboys are upset because microsoft are purchasing exclusives........ Well, Sony used to do exactly the same thing back in the mid 90's in order to stifle Sega

Yeah, I dislike sony, But are you gonna tell me theres nobody on here who dislikes microsoft for doing exactly the same thing sony used to do in abundance back in the day?

Other peoples hatred towards microsoft will continue............... My hatred towards Sony will also continue, Thats life

Also thats about the 5th time you have have commented on what i have posted in various forums so i have an idea............. Dont read my posts

I appreciate the fact that you prefer ps3 over 360, I just happen to appreciate Sony less than you appreciate microsoft........... I will get a ps3 one day, E.T.A. for my ps3 2nd hand...... March 2010

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30 million is what they should get with a $199 console but xbox isnt really the most popularar brand so i would say closer to 20mil than 30


No I think the wii will win.

My theory is that the 360 will probably approach, but not actually cross, the 25-million line during the holiday season.

Complexity is not depth. Machismo is not maturity. Obsession is not dedication. Tedium is not challenge. Support gaming: support the Wii.

Be the ultimate ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today! Poisson Village welcomes new players.

What do I hate about modern gaming? I hate tedium replacing challenge, complexity replacing depth, and domination replacing entertainment. I hate the outsourcing of mechanics to physics textbooks, art direction to photocopiers, and story to cheap Hollywood screenwriters. I hate the confusion of obsession with dedication, style with substance, new with gimmicky, old with obsolete, new with evolutionary, and old with time-tested.
There is much to hate about modern gaming. That is why I support the Wii.

Shura said:
Bokal said:
disolitude said:
cwbys21 said:
Half of those games aren't over $30 actually. And that last paragraph screams fanboy to me, just so you know.

Someone on page two said that the article isn't about sales, it is reposted on a sales website, that is why we are talking about sales. And the title of the article is, "Why the 360 will own the holiday season," that sounds like selling the most consoles to me.

Personally, I thought the article was pretty weak. You have to trot out gta4 dlc for why the 360 will own the holiday season? Seriously?

GT5P, Siren and warhawk are over 30 where i live. Tekken 5 is also 29.99 last time I was browsing psn. I sold my ps3 before wipeout or ratchet came out but im pretty sure they arent less than 20 bucks.

Once you take away retail games being passed as PSN downloads...not much is left on psn.

Also, I don't think its a badly written article about the 360s strenghts  this holliday season. Someone should write one of these for ps3 and wii...and I think you may be surprised in seeing that 360 has once again, the most going for it this holliday season... However the wii should shit all over ps360 this holliday season.

You'd like to have these ones on the XBLA, right? come on! admit it!

By the way, Ratchet is 15$ and Wipeout is 20$

You should add Burnout Paradise to the list, which is also definitely worth it.

Oh my god, open your eyes, its like if i said "the xbla is better because it has Banjoo n&b, Forza 2, Fable 2, DoA 4, Dead rising, (if those games could be downloaded on xbl) or the originals Halo, Fablle, Jade empire, ninja gaiden, psyconauts" and dont tell me than you wouldnt like to have those games on psn? But the xbla isnt there for that kind of games, is there for games like geometry wars, braid, castle crashers, pacman, galaga, doom, duke nukem, ikaruga and not just new games than can be downloaded from that channel.

Xbla is a whole experience different on psn with all of those games. You just cant compare those games on psn with the xbla games.

Sorry... I don't get your point.

First, I never said the psn was better than the xbla, even if I said a few posts later that it appeals to me more.I can totally understand that someone might prefer to buy oldies, like duke nukem and such, though.

Second, GT5:P, Siren, Warhawk really are PSN games. So it's not at all like if I said "XBLA is better because it has <put your list here>"

Third, I totally get that XBLA and PSN don't have the same purpose, and doesn't appeal to the same kind of people.

Fourth, I was just kidding with Disolitude. Keep cool on the "Oh my god" button.


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