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Forums - Gaming Discussion - SOE: All future MMOGs console-bound

FilaBrasileiro said:
axumblade said:

I think it would be fair to charge 15 bucks a month for access to all games purchased. But then again, it's very x-box liveish, so I'm not sure if they'd go for it.

That would be acceptable if it's for all games, if it's per game, then it won't work.




I currently play Everquest 2. Its $15 a month per game, but if you get Station Access for $30 a month you can play all SOE MMOs. You still have to buy the game itself though. I can't speak for anyone else but its nearly impossible to play more than one MMO unless you give up all other types of gaming all together. MMOs are huge time sinks, I know this from personal experience.

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vlad321 said:
 FilaBrasileiro said:
vlad321 said:
axumblade said:
vlad321 said:
I wanna know how players without the keyboards will manage in the MMOGs. They could probably rework a gui that would accommodate the very limited amount of input, but how are they gonna make sure the community is you know.... a community. Without being able to type and talk to everyone around you or in a zone or to guild/party/raid mates I can see this being a problem. I also wanna see how they fix up the UI because honestly, I can't see how you'd be able to rework something as complex as WoW so that it works with a few buttons and analog sticks.

I also find it interesting that SOE is now getting all hyped up about Console MMOGs after they got their asses continuously handed to them ever since EQ launched. Eq wass their only great MMO game they've had. Then again, considering that the newer console gamers have no idea what a good MMO feels like SOE can shove shit down their throats and they'd still like it....


Unless they have a laptop then I believe they can just plug their PC keyboard in. I'm pretty sure they're still going to offer PC counterparts, they're just putting them up on both as an option most likely for those of us whose computers aren't exactly that great for PC gaming. X_x

They said they will offer PC counterparts, but going by the rest of the article, mainly the part wehre he says they will focus on the PS3, leads me to believe that just about everything will be made with PS3 in mind. No offense but I can't put all my useful stuff on 3 hotbars in wow (That's 36 buttons) and that's excluding the chat/movement keys. There's a bunch of other stuff that I just don't need and while I may not use them I know others do. Now considering how many buttons you got on the controllers, they will have to get very creative on how to make it all work together and not have some shallow gameplay. Also, I wanna know how communication on a massive scale will be handeled (Imagine guiud chat wehre chat is actualaly voice chat.....XD).



Heh very easy and simple, sell the game bundled with a keyboard, and another bundle with those keyboards that go in the controller and a standalone for cheaper if you don't wanna buy a keyboard bundle. GH, RB, Singstar, Buzz, Scene It, Warhawk, SOCOM, etc...have all proven that you can sell games with accessories and people will buy.

That'd actually be a very good idea for them. It'd solve so many of their problems it's amazing, but somehow I doubt they will be undling MMOGs with kbds considering they will be getting so many of them out there. People don't need  kbds if they already bought one.


Hence why you would sell the standalone copy cheaper to go with the more expensive bundles, just make sure people know that kb is required or if it's not required it'lll greatly facilitate play.

FilaBrasileiro said:
shio said:
FilaBrasileiro said:
Loud_Hot_White_Box said:

Oh, and also, it is RIDICULOUS that the PS3 doesn't have 3+ MMOs (premium, charge-per-month) already in full swing, with 1 of them released shortly after the launch of the PS3.

Way to drop the ball, guys. You announced the flexibility and freedom of the PSN for MMOGs, then didn't actually develop any for the PS3.

I think they have one, it's a 2D free game with no charges, it can be dowloaded off the Japanese store.
I'm really hoping for no fees for MMOGs though, there are plenty I wanna play



But if you want to play great MMOGs you need to pay fees. The difference of quality between p2p MMOs and free MMOs is gigantic.



Yeah but that business model won't work on consoles, as proven by some MMOGs last and this generation, dedicated servers are a lot cheapers these days as well so that would make it feasible to have a free MMOG.


It's not just the servers that cost money but the workers who help the community with problems and SOE having to constantly update player skills,new areas, new level caps, new bosses, new items. Thats all very time consuming and costs a lot of money to develop and if you don't pay then the game will have a severe shortage of new content. WoW couldn't afford to release a new instance every few months if it was free, because it's not we get a new major instance every 4-6 months regardless of a new xpac.

FilaBrasileiro said:
axumblade said:

I think it would be fair to charge 15 bucks a month for access to all games purchased. But then again, it's very x-box liveish, so I'm not sure if they'd go for it.

That would be acceptable if it's for all games, if it's per game, then it won't work.




I cant see that happening each game will be charging a fee, because different devlopers are going to want there money.  If they went with a one charge that would be huge for people who play MMO's

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Riding the wave? Sounds good to me though. ^_^

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makingmusic476 said:
I hope being under the control of SCE will lead to an increase in the quality of their games. SCE has really been stepping up this generation (and they've always kicked ass), but SOE has always been a pretty weak studio, outside of Everquest and that brief period when Star Wars Galaxies was good.

Outside of a few EverQuest spin-offs, their only console games up until this point have been the Untold Legends series, which were garbage.

Agree with this.  I was a big EQ player that played since launch but every other SOE game since then I've tried has been very lackluster.  SW:G was good for a time until they put in the new "experience" and ruined that as well.  I don't have much faith in SOE anymore.  I'm also skeptical about all of these MMO announcements for both 360 & PS3.  I just don't see the control scheme to make a good in-depth MMO. This is one genre that should stick to PC's IMHO.


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FilaBrasileiro said:
heruamon said:
ROFLOL...I'm in POTBS now, but sony doesn't have any MMOs to compete with the heavy hitters coming out.

Never heard of Everquest? Not as big as WoW or Guild Wars, sure, but it's pretty fucking big and has a rabid fanbase.



OT, SCE better have a damn good plan for MMOG on the PS3, no one is gonna pay 15 bucks for every MMOG, this ain't PC, that business model WILL NOT work on consoles, maybe a flat fee for you to play ALL MMOGs on the PS3, ideally it'd be free.



They already have this... I normally purchase it when I do subscribe.  It allows you to play almost ever SOE MMO for a flat rate.  It was stupid of them not to port EQ2 over to the PS3, but I'm glad they didn't.  I don't really want most console players running around in my MMO.

edit:  I guess Sony Fanboy doesn't extend to SOE games does it?  The funniest thing is watching a WoW player try to wrap their heads around the play style of EQ2.  It doesn't look much diffrent at first, but if they've only played WoW it's amusing.

Cueil said:
FilaBrasileiro said:
heruamon said:
ROFLOL...I'm in POTBS now, but sony doesn't have any MMOs to compete with the heavy hitters coming out.

Never heard of Everquest? Not as big as WoW or Guild Wars, sure, but it's pretty fucking big and has a rabid fanbase.



OT, SCE better have a damn good plan for MMOG on the PS3, no one is gonna pay 15 bucks for every MMOG, this ain't PC, that business model WILL NOT work on consoles, maybe a flat fee for you to play ALL MMOGs on the PS3, ideally it'd be free.



They already have this... I normally purchase it when I do subscribe.  It allows you to play almost ever SOE MMO for a flat rate.  It was stupid of them not to port EQ2 over to the PS3, but I'm glad they didn't.  I don't really want most console players running around in my MMO.

edit:  I guess Sony Fanboy doesn't extend to SOE games does it?  The funniest thing is watching a WoW player try to wrap their heads around the play style of EQ2.  It doesn't look much diffrent at first, but if they've only played WoW it's amusing.


Is it anything like Lineage's playstyle? Been wondering since WoW is definetly the MMO I spent the most time on, but I did play Lineage before it came out.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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SOE is the worse company/gaming divison out there. Sony shouldnt be bringing their tainted products to the PS3. This is not a good move for the PS3 at all. Lack of customer support and devs that change things without listening to the community just drives everyone away. Unless they revamp everything this is a bad move! They should just keep the MMOs on the PC. You dont want to have the SOE stink related to the PS3.

Cueil said:
FilaBrasileiro said:
heruamon said:
ROFLOL...I'm in POTBS now, but sony doesn't have any MMOs to compete with the heavy hitters coming out.

Never heard of Everquest? Not as big as WoW or Guild Wars, sure, but it's pretty fucking big and has a rabid fanbase.



OT, SCE better have a damn good plan for MMOG on the PS3, no one is gonna pay 15 bucks for every MMOG, this ain't PC, that business model WILL NOT work on consoles, maybe a flat fee for you to play ALL MMOGs on the PS3, ideally it'd be free.



They already have this... I normally purchase it when I do subscribe.  It allows you to play almost ever SOE MMO for a flat rate.  It was stupid of them not to port EQ2 over to the PS3, but I'm glad they didn't.  I don't really want most console players running around in my MMO.

edit:  I guess Sony Fanboy doesn't extend to SOE games does it?  The funniest thing is watching a WoW player try to wrap their heads around the play style of EQ2.  It doesn't look much diffrent at first, but if they've only played WoW it's amusing.

Yeah the funny thing is they've dumbed down EQ2 a lot to the WoW player. I remember when you and had to actually earn your class? I really miss that feature. Although I don't craft, I know that crafting was made a lot easier as well.