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Forums - Sales Discussion - Others Numbers up!!!

Oyvoyvoyv said:
Ail said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:
Ail said:

3rd huge multiplatform release in a row where the Wii fails to have sales in relation to the marketshare it holds.
First was Madden, second FU, third Fifa.( say what you want, when you have a 50% marketshare it be nice to get at least 40%+ software share on multiplat titles and the 'legs' argument is getting old, Fifa is gonna need legs that last past the next Fifa release to get the Fifa Wii above 40% marketshare...

Wii is shaping less and less to be the a generation winner the way the PS2 was ( multiplatform titles on PS2 destroyed the others platforms..).

Either or a lot of the core gamer owning a Wii own a HD console too and buy those titles on their HD consoles ( possible but doubtfull..) or the Wii owners just don't like traditional sports games..


Revenue generated by Fifa09 in Week 1 :


PS3  : 388 472 * 60 = 23 Million euros

Xbox360  : 310 624 * 60 = 18.6 million euros

Wii : 35710 *45 = 1.6 million Euros

PS2 : 124325 * 35 = 4.3 million Euros.


Wii revenue share : 3.3%

Wii market share in Others : 43.2%

And then some people complain about third party lack of enthusiasm for the platform..

So far it still seems that not all games do well on the Wii..


Just before I start, your argument is completely flawed. Whether it wins on multiplat titles or not doesn't matter. The Wii is shaping up to have roughly as high software sales as Ps2, and same for hardware. It will win in profit, and probably revenue, but lose in market share - but honestly, who cares about that.

How third party sales are, doesn't really matter a lot, but still, that's what my post will be about.

(I wrote the rest before the above 2 paragraphs)


We know that not all games do well on Wii. But no console can say that all games have done good on them. I believe Wii has an awesome share of games that went with profit, but I cannot prove that.


Remember that the developers (or publishers) don't care about the revenue, and for copies sold matter more than revenue. Revenue is kinda meaningless.


Another way of looking at what you said:


Third party software sold (roughly) in Others, in 2008.



Total software: 29.7M

Third party: 9.6M

Third party AR: 0.83

Revenue market share: 23.5%

Hardware market share: 43.2%



Total software: 18M

Third party: 14M

Third party AR: 1.91

Revenue market share:  41.1%

Hardware market share: 27.5%



Total software: 14M

Third party: 12M

Third party AR: 1.54

Revenue market share: 35.3%

Hardware market share: 29.1%


So for third parties, the Ps3 and X360 are beating the Wii with ease.



Publishers and developers are business, revenue and profit is what they care the most about.....



Something happened to my post, so I had to write a lot again. I then missed out on a few things, and I'm surprised my post is readable.


My point is, the developer cares about profit, not revenue. Revenue tells how much people paid, not how much the company made, nor how many played the game. I therefore find you point of Fifa 09 Wii having a 3.3% revenue share to be meaningless.



Lol, and you honestly think Fifa 09 made more profit on the Wii than on the 360 or the PS3 with those numbers ?

You are a lost cause...

Lets say the publishers gets a 1/rd of the revenue ( seems reasonnable , it's probably slightly more).

Money the publisher made :

Wii : 530k Euros

PS3 : 7.6 Million Euros

Xbox360 : 6.2 Million Euros


Maybe the Wii Version was free to develop and the PS3 and the XBox360 version each costs 10 million to make so the Wii did turn a profit whereas the others didn't...

But somehow I DOUBT IT ! 

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Around the Network

^ don't forget developers take install base as a guideline of how much they should sell


^ you think the wii made more profit with its pathetic revenue?

Not only that but developers do look at install base when making a game, and then the project how many sales they should see.


 Why do you believe I think those things? I don't understand where you have that from. I mean, I wrote some statistics that just proved the Wii is selling worse for third parties than either of the other two. I just thought that using anedoctal data, from a game that is lackluster on Wii, using something that favours against the Wii (revenue) flaws it up pretty damn bad.


But sure, if you want this kind of reply.

Fifa 09 on Ps3 and X360 are high budget titles. They may need 600K sales to break even.

On Wii however, it is a crappy, lackluster game. It may only need 200K of sales to break even, or perhaps even less.

So the Ps3 and X360 versions actually filled less of the needed sales, and thus made more money. Of course, assuming there are no more sales of the game, but that's okay, because you guys are tired of hearing about legs.


Now choose whichever reply you think is serious, I'm sure you're able to give the thread 50 more posts by answering to the wrong one.


Edit (no need to double post)

@ Ail.


Okay, I may have worded myself stupidly. I never meant that Wii had a higher profit for the week. Still, that's no reason to call me a lost cause.

I just think that you're making an awfully biased comparison, so I provided my own instead. Sorry if I made you feel I was going personal or anything.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

^ don't forget developers take install base as a guideline of how much they should sell

That's another issue.

I hope EA didn't or there are going to be a lot of unsold Fifa 09 Wii copies out there which are going to end up costing a fortune to someone ( retailers ? distributors ? publishers ? I have no clue who pays what and when..)


PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Ail said:
^ don't forget developers take install base as a guideline of how much they should sell

That's another issue.

I hope EA didn't or there are going to be a lot of unsold Fifa 09 Wii copies out there which are going to end up costing a fortune to someone ( retailers ? distributors ? publishers ? I have no clue who pays what and when..)


Fortunately, I think EA saw this comming. The Wii version sold half of the Ps3 version last year, and half of the X360. As the 08 Wii version sold 750K total, they wouldn't be stupid enough to ship a huge number this year (there is no guarantee a sports game will increase YoY). I guess they couldn't have shipped more than 300-400K, which the Wii version should manage to sell without a price cut from the stores.

EA saw the Ps3 and X360 versions selling far better than the Wii one once again.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS