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^ you think the wii made more profit with its pathetic revenue?

Not only that but developers do look at install base when making a game, and then the project how many sales they should see.


 Why do you believe I think those things? I don't understand where you have that from. I mean, I wrote some statistics that just proved the Wii is selling worse for third parties than either of the other two. I just thought that using anedoctal data, from a game that is lackluster on Wii, using something that favours against the Wii (revenue) flaws it up pretty damn bad.


But sure, if you want this kind of reply.

Fifa 09 on Ps3 and X360 are high budget titles. They may need 600K sales to break even.

On Wii however, it is a crappy, lackluster game. It may only need 200K of sales to break even, or perhaps even less.

So the Ps3 and X360 versions actually filled less of the needed sales, and thus made more money. Of course, assuming there are no more sales of the game, but that's okay, because you guys are tired of hearing about legs.


Now choose whichever reply you think is serious, I'm sure you're able to give the thread 50 more posts by answering to the wrong one.


Edit (no need to double post)

@ Ail.


Okay, I may have worded myself stupidly. I never meant that Wii had a higher profit for the week. Still, that's no reason to call me a lost cause.

I just think that you're making an awfully biased comparison, so I provided my own instead. Sorry if I made you feel I was going personal or anything.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS