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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why is Microsoft so eager to win Sony?

here is the answer... hold your breath....!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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The Fury said:

I had a conversation with someone (can't remember who, apologies) here about the whole thing about why M$ were in this and why they wanted Sony out (although seemingly didn't mind Nintendo whiping the floor with them).

In the end the conclusion was a few things but mainly that they wanted the PC to be the centre of the living room, while Sony wanted the TV/Media devices. Thing is M$ will fail at that because their attempt at a PC in the living room was the X-box and that was more media then PC. PS2 and X-box had similar pluses. Both had DVD players etc, in the end the PS2 won, not only on price but because of brand, games (both causal and hardcore) and it's general use in the living room (DVD etc). Xbox was too late and far too shooty.

Come this new generation M$ had a head start so have done well with that but with my conversation in the other thread, we came to it that M$ were trying to secure the media centre via downloads while PS3 was still a disc format. To be honest, i think downloads is a bad option at the moment. Yes it's the way forward, but I'd still prefer to have a CD then some completely unphysical and my net connection is not win all, neither is majority of the worlds, people with download limits are screwed as well as slow connections, but a disc is a disc. But it's M$ drive to be that Media centre in the living room that makes them want to win against Sony, nigh on ignoring Nintendo.

Of course, personally, I feel a PC has no place in the living room. It goes in the corner on a desk and is used for work, FPS and porn.


Hmh.If I would need to download som shi at 69€,like hell I would pay,I would do it other way.

"of course, personally, I feel a PC has no place in the living room. It goes in the corner on a desk and is used for work, FPS and porn."

Good for you.



Take my love, take my land..

The Fury said:

I had a conversation with someone (can't remember who, apologies) here about the whole thing about why M$ were in this and why they wanted Sony out (although seemingly didn't mind Nintendo whiping the floor with them).

In the end the conclusion was a few things but mainly that they wanted the PC to be the centre of the living room, while Sony wanted the TV/Media devices. Thing is M$ will fail at that because their attempt at a PC in the living room was the X-box and that was more media then PC. PS2 and X-box had similar pluses. Both had DVD players etc, in the end the PS2 won, not only on price but because of brand, games (both causal and hardcore) and it's general use in the living room (DVD etc). Xbox was too late and far too shooty.

Come this new generation M$ had a head start so have done well with that but with my conversation in the other thread, we came to it that M$ were trying to secure the media centre via downloads while PS3 was still a disc format. To be honest, i think downloads is a bad option at the moment. Yes it's the way forward, but I'd still prefer to have a CD then some completely unphysical and my net connection is not win all, neither is majority of the worlds, people with download limits are screwed as well as slow connections, but a disc is a disc. But it's M$ drive to be that Media centre in the living room that makes them want to win against Sony, nigh on ignoring Nintendo.

Of course, personally, I feel a PC has no place in the living room. It goes in the corner on a desk and is used for work, FPS and porn.

I think that's more of a "nobody expected Nintendo to be dominant this generation", rather than they don't mind. Sony most likely assumed they would be the leader again this gen and MS probably assumed it would be Sony they would be battling against like in the Xbox1/PS2 gen.


starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

Skeeuk: "playstation 3 is the ultimate in gaming acceleration"

@Wii_R2_Hardcore: Way off.

@Simulacrum: So, now you are saying that there's more than 50% overlap between PS360 and Wii owners?
Actually you're pretty much wrong with your estimation, since the PS360 library caters very little outside the typical teenager (boy), while Wii caters everyone else, it's hard to see Wii a secondary console among families and grown-ups.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

Simulacrum said:
The Fury said:


Hmh.If I would need to download som shi at 69€,like hell I would pay,I would do it other way.

"of course, personally, I feel a PC has no place in the living room. It goes in the corner on a desk and is used for work, FPS and porn."

Good for you.

I understand that if I needed to I might also, but a net connection is not an essential part of a home. I can as easily go out and buy a physical copy, heck it's cheaper as i don't have to pay for the privilege of walking into town.

And i know thanks. :D But then I also think 360 isn't a PC.


Hmm, pie.

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bdbdbd said:
@Wii_R2_Hardcore: Way off.

@Simulacrum: So, now you are saying that there's more than 50% overlap between PS360 and Wii owners?
Actually you're pretty much wrong with your estimation, since the PS360 library caters very little outside the typical teenager (boy), while Wii caters everyone else, it's hard to see Wii a secondary console among families and grown-ups.

You should remember,Pc and Ps2 and maybe Camecube and Xbox.



Take my love, take my land..

"I think that's more of a "nobody expected Nintendo to be dominant this generation", rather than they don't mind. Sony most likely assumed they would be the leader again this gen and MS probably assumed it would be Sony they would be battling against like in the Xbox1/PS2 gen."

I agree. They probably thought:

"Nintendo will continue to be the console for the kids, we will have the hardcore grown-ups, and since they got jobs, we can charge them more... Mu hu hahahaha (evil laughs)."

Maybe Sony had a similar reasoning and being over confident on their supposed ps2 fanbase brand loyalty.

47% Wii
30% 360
15% PS3

But as far as I understand, in marketing, being the second is not a bad thing, is great! But your position must be distinctive from the leader and the third brand. And that's what makes this fight for the second place so interesting to me, because, if it wasn't for the higher price of the ps3, both consoles seem quite similar to me. Maybe the 360 has better games. Maybe as an entertainment center the PS3 has a longer life. But, aside from the price, both machines may be similar. I mean, both are HD videogames consoles with similar aditional features.

Again, what do you think?

@Simulacrum: PC really doesn't count as console.
As for GC, Wiis BC replaces GC fully and besides, the console is dead. Xbox is also dead, so you could have pulled out Atari 2600 just as well as these two.
PS2 doesn't really have big releases anymore, outside the random Singstar and EyeToy. Also Guitar Hero could be a game to get to PS2, because of the existing guitar controller. In any case, the same argumentation works for other current gen consoles just as well, as the talk was about current generation consoles.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

I would type a response but I'm blinded by your horrendous grammar and broken English. Please learn this language..

I'm a filmmaker, writer, and gamer. Add me on Xbox Live or message me!

XBL Gamertag: StraitupBeastin

bdbdbd said:
@Simulacrum: PC really doesn't count as console.
As for GC, Wiis BC replaces GC fully and besides, the console is dead. Xbox is also dead, so you could have pulled out Atari 2600 just as well as these two.
PS2 doesn't really have big releases anymore, outside the random Singstar and EyeToy. Also Guitar Hero could be a game to get to PS2, because of the existing guitar controller. In any case, the same argumentation works for other current gen consoles just as well, as the talk was about current generation consoles.

I thought we were talking about "Wii as second console" then it should count on whatever console (or pc) it is.And I sayd "maybe" so yes you can forget Xbox and GC.And I didint say all Wii customers bought it as second console.




Take my love, take my land..