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"I think that's more of a "nobody expected Nintendo to be dominant this generation", rather than they don't mind. Sony most likely assumed they would be the leader again this gen and MS probably assumed it would be Sony they would be battling against like in the Xbox1/PS2 gen."

I agree. They probably thought:

"Nintendo will continue to be the console for the kids, we will have the hardcore grown-ups, and since they got jobs, we can charge them more... Mu hu hahahaha (evil laughs)."

Maybe Sony had a similar reasoning and being over confident on their supposed ps2 fanbase brand loyalty.

47% Wii
30% 360
15% PS3

But as far as I understand, in marketing, being the second is not a bad thing, is great! But your position must be distinctive from the leader and the third brand. And that's what makes this fight for the second place so interesting to me, because, if it wasn't for the higher price of the ps3, both consoles seem quite similar to me. Maybe the 360 has better games. Maybe as an entertainment center the PS3 has a longer life. But, aside from the price, both machines may be similar. I mean, both are HD videogames consoles with similar aditional features.

Again, what do you think?